Chapter 11

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“I’m sorry Miss I can’t give you that information.” I stare at the receptionist with a mixture of shock and annoyance. Basically what this receptionist is saying is that I can put my entire life on hold, book a plane to America in extremely short notice, pack in less than a day, get on the plane, fly to LA, eventually find the right hotel and haul my bags up to the front desk. But what I can’t do is enquire which room my fiancé is staying in. Well isn’t that fantastic. “Oh come on, you’ve got to be kidding,” I moan jet lagged and not in the least bit amused. In fact it’s taking quite a lot of energy not to fly into a full on tantrum. I glance down at my phone in annoyance. Why has Ollie chosen this particular moment to switch his phone off? “We deal with some very high profile clients and we can’t afford to be giving away personal information like that,” the receptionist informs me coldly.

“I’m not some silly fan girl going to mob him or a journalist going to pester him… well okay I am a journalist...,” I say without thinking. The receptionist eyes widen as I mention my profession and she glares at me in anger. “NO! No, not like that. I’m his fiancée for God’s sake!” I exclaim pointing exasperatedly to my ring. “I’m sorry but I can’t give you the information and that’s final,” she insists still not forgiving me for being a journalist. “Fine,” I snap. With great anger I slam the handle on my suitcase down, tip it on its side and defiantly sit on it in the middle of the lobby. “Miss what are you doing?” the receptionist asks in a sigh.

“Well if you won’t tell me where Ollie is it looks like I’m going to have to wait for him,” I answer matter-of-factly while fishing out a book from my hand luggage bag. She looks at me like I’m insane, so do quite a few of the guests but I just smile at her triumphantly while flicking to the right page in my book. I’m not moving.

But my smile of triumph doesn’t last long with a flourish she picks up the phone and calls for security. Okay I may be in a bit of trouble here. I quickly drop the book, clamber to my feet and begin trying to think of a plan in my head all the while shouting pleas for her to put the phone back down. Too late the big burly security men are already lumbering menacingly towards me. “This is ridiculous I’m his fiancée,” I exclaim as the doormen grab me by the arms. I’m marched passed the front desk and the receptionist is completely ignoring my pleas. Believe me this hotel is going to get an extremely annoyed letter of complaint. As soon as I have had time for a nap first that is. “What is going on here?” a woman behind me asks in mild disgust. Oh great now I’ve got an audience. “Mr. Daniels I suggest you stay back. We’ve just had to evict that woman from the hotel. She was looking for you,” the receptionist informs someone. Wait did she just say…

“Ollie?” I shout in desperation.

“Izzie?” I hear Ollie question in surprise. “WAIT!” he shouts across the lobby. The security stop walking but they still haven’t relinquished their grips so I can’t turn around. Instead I result to fidgeting, twisting and turning to try and get a view of Ollie. “That’s my fiancée would you mind letting go of her?” Ollie says to the body guard on my left. I’m suddenly set free I immediately spin around to face Ollie who is clearly trying to hold back laughter. “That’s nice. Your fiancée almost got hustled out of a hotel by two thugs because you can’t be bothered to answer your phone. Bloody hilarious isn’t it?” I snap while straightening out my clothes.

“Izzie what are you doing here?” Ollie questions, ignoring my previous comment.

“What not even an ‘are you okay?’ I almost got thrown out onto the street. Why do you think I’m here? I came to visit you,” I answer angrily.

“Are you okay?” he finally asks.

“Jetlagged, exhausted and probably bruised but apart from that I’m fine,” I reply.

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