Chapter 13

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The door behind me shudders with the force I have just closed it with. The furious slam echoes through the corridor causing both Melody and Ollie to leap back with shock. Ollie’s eyes bore into mine with a pleading intensity begging me to understand. He opens his mouth to speak but the words don’t come. He makes a second attempt to speak but I get there first. “It’s okay I saw what happened. It wasn’t your fault.” He doesn’t seem to process my words so the hauntingly apologetic stare continues. “I’m so sorry,” he stammers.

“You didn’t do anything,” I repeat calmly. He finally seems to register what I’m saying and a soft smile of relief flickers onto his lips for a second. “I’m still sorry. This whole thing has been a mistake and I swear I’m getting on that plane home as soon as I possibly can,” he informs me. He steps towards me putting distance between us and Melody to make it as clear as possible who his heart lies with. I finally bring myself to look at Melody. The second my eyes fix onto her an intense hatred burns through me stronger than I ever thought it was possible to feel. A white hot anger claws at my insides clamouring to be released. She simply stares back without the slightest hint at remorse or embarrassment. Quite the opposite she looks quite pleased with herself with a smug smile of conceited delight worn on her face with pride. This only causes the fire of hatred in me to rage even more. “Take the hint; he’s not interested. Why don’t you just do us all a favour and disappear?” I snap. She just snorts. “What a great argument. Maybe next time you can work out how to string a few syllables together,” I reply with mocking sarcasm trying with all my might to stay calm. It’s taking all of my energy to keep my feet rooted to the spot instead of marching towards her and wiping away that smug smile with one swift slap. “You really think you’re special, don’t you?” Melody asks with menace.

“Don’t even think about criticising Izzie,” Ollie warns threateningly.

“In a cruel way it’s actually quite funny that you think this is going to last,” Melody continues; choosing to ignore Ollie’s warning. “Come on Izzie we don’t need to listen to this,” Ollie mutters attempting to steer me away. But I stand my ground. “What’s that supposed to mean,” I hiss.

“Take a look at yourself. You really think that’s enough to keep hold of a celebrity?” Melody inquires patronisingly. “Don’t even go there,” snaps Ollie.

“I actually feel sorry for you,” Melody informs me once again brushing aside Ollie’s demands. “You see I don’t think you realise what you are to him. He’s not in love with you. You’re just the rebound girl. He took the break up with Natasha hard and so he’s using you to get over it. You’re the unassuming, plain, innocent nobody. You’re the safe option. But someday he’s going to get bored of the safe option. He’s not going to want to spend the rest of his life with an average-looking, slightly overweight, nobody. He’s going to want back the excitement in his life. Something girls like me can offer and girls like you can only ever dream of attaining. So you can go off and play happy families for now but you’re deluded if you think it’s going to last,” Melody explains.

“That’s not true,” Ollie hisses so angry he can barely even get the words out.

“That’s an interesting evaluation,” I say calmly. Melody’s face lights up with malicious triumph. “But I actually feel sorry for you,” I add. Melody once again snorts in disbelief. “You may be beautiful, young and rich. But let’s face it; in the real world far away from the glam and glitter of the celebrity lifestyle, you have a lonely pathetic little life. Guys look at you and they see you as an object not a person. I’m guessing you’re not the type of girl guys fall in love with. You take one look at a happy, loving couple and you’re filled with a yearning to have that closeness with someone. But instead of finding someone for yourself you try to steal that closeness away from someone else. That doesn’t work does it? Like you said you’re a shot of excitement. But you’re short term and that closeness was never yours for the taking so it’s just not there. You’re left feeling just as lonely and useless as you did before. So you break up with the guy and look for your next victim. Security, loyalty, a real deep connection; that’s what I can offer Ollie and that’s long term. Something you could offer but no one wants it off you do they? So you can keep flitting from boyfriend to boyfriend to your heart’s desire with the mindless hope that one of them will stick. But next time you take a look at your little pathetic life and attempt to claw yourself out of the deep, dark, loveless hole you’re in – just remember to steer clear of my fiancé,” I conclude, grabbing Ollie’s arm and leading him back into the hotel room.

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