Chapter 8 - The Brains, The Brawn, and The Beauty

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2 Months Before The Reunion...

With planning well underway, all we had to do is prepare for the reunion. We wanted to have a little party, with all of us together. We had everyone, besides Ash and Serena.

They didn't need to know about it yet.

"What's our budget, because I am broke" Calem scratched his head and laughed nervously.

"Well, I have quite a lot of money, since it is the start of the month" Kenny tapped his pocket, where his wallet was.

"I have some money leftover from last month's allowance," I said, pulling out my purse. In truth, my dad was a person with lots of money so I still had a months allowance left from saving so much.

"You mean, you and Kenny both have enough for everything yourselves?" Misty grinned, folding her arms. What was she up to?

Iris seemed to catch on because she jumped out of nowhere. "Yeah, why don't you both go shopping?" 

"Sure, sounds like a plan" Kenny was onboard, so I had no choice.

"Let's not waste any time" I stared daggers at Misty, "you guys better cover Kenny's workload in the restaurant"

She gave me a mock salute and me and Kenny left.

"Who's car shall we use?" Kenny asked, casually chucking his hands in his pockets. I looked at him and noticed how much change he had gone through over the last year. His shoulders were broader and he was a lot taller. Kenny had clearly worked out, he looked great. 

"Well, if you want to be a gentleman, you won't mind driving?" I was already walking over to his car before he could reply. 

"Guess I have no choice, huh?" Kenny shrugged and hopped into the front seat and I opened the passenger door.

"You could have opened the door for me" I teased, making him shrug again.

"Woops, guess I have been exposed, I am not a gentleman" 

"I already knew that one" I winked as he turned on the engine and drove out of the car park.

"Got any certain music tastes, or is it still whatever like always?" Kenny started to tinker with the radio.

"Aww, you know me too well" I said, shrugging. "Yeah, anything is ok"

Kenny put on Vaniville's radio station and the songs were okay. We continued down the road and towards the Mall.

"So, what should we buy first?" Kenny wondered to himself, but I already had an idea.

"Well, we have plenty of time. How about we just browse through different shops and plan certain things, order some things etcetera" I suggested to Kenny, who nodded in agreement.

"I can't come up with an idea and as boring as it sounds your idea works" 

"It's settled then" I clapped my hands with joy. "I love shopping!"

"No one knew that" Kenny rolled his eyes, clear sarcasm in his tone.

I ignored him and skipped away.

We looked in various different shops, ordering food to be prepared on the day, cakes, buying little things for the reunion party.

"I wonder how the others are handling things," I thought aloud.

"Eh, the business does usually pick up around now. But, Drew is there so everything will be good" Kenny pick up some more bags. "Let's get going"

"Yeah, I think we bought quite a lot, considering it is a little bit away yet" I looked at the few bags in Kenny's hands and mine. We also had lots of food ordered to take down to their college. Now we just had to do the final planning and then everything would be ready.

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