Chapter 6 : The Walk

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Dylan's POV:

You know I never really believed in all that firework feeling stuff. I use to think how is it possible to feel "fireworks" when you kiss someone. I didn't believe it all. That is until now.

Her soft sweet lips kissed back with ease. It felt perfect.

"There all gone." I whispered.

Selena pulled away. I could see the blankness in her face. I instantly regretted kissing her. Ugh Fuck.

"I'm SO sorry. Something just came over me it's jus-"

She interrupted me "No no it's fine totally...fine" She looked confused as ever.

A silence came over until she broke it.

"Did you feel that too..."

I didn't know what she meant until it clicked. "...yeah"


"So I guess we should get going..."

"Uh yeah"

We walked out of the diner. It was already 9pm and all you could see were the street lights. We walked in the middle of the lonely road with a long silence between us. I needed to end this now.

I took my phone out and figured why not make this a little fun. I looked thru my music until I found the perfect song. I looked at her and made her stop dead in her tracks. There we were standing in the middle of the road.

She looked at me like I was crazy. Call Me Maybe started playing and she grew a huge smile.

I looked straight into her eyes and got ready to possibly do the most embarrassing thing I have ever done.

Selena's POV:

I was thinking over and over again about the kiss. I was trying to figure something out. I don't know what, but I was. I was interrupted when Dylan stood right in my way.

It was dead silent when all of a sudden Call Me Maybe starts on Dylan's phone.

He started to sing.

"I threw a wish in the whale don't ask me I'll never tell I looked at you as I fell and now your in my way. I trade my soul for a wish pennies and dimes for a kiss I wasn't looking for this but still your my way!"

I felt a huge smile come onto my face. Is he really doing this? He started to sing his loudest and made his voice crack every sentence.

I started laughing hysterically.


He began dancing the most retarded moves making me laugh the hardest I ever have. I started to feel my stomach cramp from laughing too much.

He finally finished the song and was sweating like crazy.

"Oh. My. God. You did not just do that." I said with the same big smile.

"Well I had to do something to make you laugh." He said panting looking into my eyes with those adorable golden ones.

"Haha thank you for that." We started walking and I felt too far away from him.

I walked closer to him and grabbed onto his hand intertwining our fingers.

We walked all the way back to my house singing that same song over and over again. I felt like this night could never end. I didn't want it to.

We finally got to my front door. Still laughing. We stood there and I decided to speak up.

"I had a really great time. I haven't had that much fun in quite a while."

"Your welcome..maybe we could do it again sometime"

We were just inches apart from each other. I could see his eyes moving from my lips to my eyes. I couldn't take it anymore I wanted to see if I would feel that same spark I did earlier.

"Well I guess I'll see you later"

"Dylan." I grabbed onto his hand before he could walk away.

I pulled him in and pressed his lips onto mine. There it was again. That feeling in my stomach and that explosion.

I could feel his arms wrap around my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

We kept going until we couldn't breathe any longer.

"...woah" we said simultaneously.

"Good night Dylan" I said in my softest voice.

"Night beautiful" he said in his low raspy voice.

He gave me one last kiss and walked away. He looked back with a smirk and got into his car.

Holy shit. What a night.

Hey guys :) how'd u like that chapter?? I know it was sorta quick.... Sooo sorry i havent been posting lately its just high school u sucks ass ill try to keep posting tho

Dont forget to vote and comment!! Later lovelies!!!! xoxo.

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