Chapter 6

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Today I woke up extra early and made myself some coffee with whipped cream and chocolate sauce...Yummy!

I sat on my bay window from which we could clearly see our neighbours house.
I never really met them before so I thought I could get ready and go to meet them, since I had nothing better to do.

After I took a bath I changed into my white tee, along with my black leggings and tied my flannel around my waist. I just left my hair open and wore my brown boots. (Outfit in the picture above)

Then I realised I just couldn't go empty handed to my neighbours house so I thought about baking them some cookies, when I was small me and my dad used to bake chocolate chip cookies all the time.

After I was done baking them, I put it into a cute, small basket. When I saw the time on my phone it was already 1:30, huh time goes by fast when your baking...
I straightened my clothes, and then walked over to their house.

I was just about to ring the doorbell when someone opened up the door.
What I saw in front of me shocked me.
It was none other than Carson.

"Hi", I awkwardly greeted him.
He smiled at me and welcomed me inside.
"So, what brings you here?" he asked
"I just thought I would greet my neighbours and give them the cookies I made"

"Oh" was all he said.

"May I ask you a question?"I told.

"Well sure go ahead, since you already asked me one." said Carson

"How come we live opposite but I never saw you"

"Well I have no Idea how you never saw me"

Wait...does that mean he's seen me before.

"What do you mean, have you seen me before?"

"Uhm lets just say I might or might not have followed you to the park"

"Ooookay "

"I'm sorry"

"It's alright"

Then we both bursted out laughing. Weird eh?

He asked me if I wanted to stay for a little longer, so I asked my mom and she said that it was okay.

The rest of the day we spent watching movies and joking around. I never knew I would actually have so much fun with him.
Sadly had to leave for dinner, but then I thought why not ask him if he would like to join us for dinner.
"sure free food I'm up for it, but are you sure it's okay for me to come? ."

"Yes I'm sure"

After that we headed over to my place.

When mom opened the door and saw Carson, she gave me this funny look making me blush.
I asked mom if he could stay for dinner and mom said he was more than welcome to.

Carson then helped my mom set the table, even when she denied it, but then finally gave in.

Me and Carson took a seat at the table and mom and dad soon joined us.

Today dad had made pizza for us and let me just say those are the best pizzas you'll ever taste.

While eating we all made small talk, mostly because everyone was busy shoving the pizza down their throats.

After eating he thanked my parents for the 'lovely dinner'  and said that he should probably get going.

So I dropped him to his doorstep and he asked me if he could walk with me to school tomorrow and I agreed.  Just as I was about to leave he asked, "Could I maybe get your number"
Then quickly added, "so I could tell you when to leave."

I could see a small shade of red forming on his cheeks but I decided to let it slip.

"Sure, my number is 882619502"

(please don't call this number it's just number that I made up)

~half an hour later~

I was just about to sleep when I got a message from an unknown number it read:

Goodnight beautiful, meet ya tomorrow, Carson.

I felt myself blushing, I quickly messaged him goodnight and saved his contact.

I soon fell into a deep slumber.


Thank you to everyone reading my book, I really appreciate it.

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