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A/N -  Inspired by the song 'Friends'  by Ed Sheeran. Poe is in love with Finn, and he's come to terms with the fact that Finn probably doesn't love him back, but it's getting harder and harder for him to convince himself that they're just friends.

They're friends. That's what Poe tells himself when his eyes lock with Finn's across the landing strip after a long mission and they both break into a sprint until they collide, a tangle of arms around waists and legs pressing between eachother and faces burrowing into shoulders.

"I missed you." Finn breathes softly into his shoulder, where his face is buried as he inhales Poe's scent, unmarred by weeks on a mission.

"I missed you too, buddy." Poe replies quietly, his chin resting on Finn's shoulder, his arms around his waist, his eyes pressing shut as he just feels Finn's body pressed up against his for the first time in what seems an eternity. All too soon Finn is pulling back to hold Poe at arms length and look him straight in the eye.

"Don't scare me like that again." Finn orders him and his voice it filled with such sincerity, such fear, that Poe can only nod and promise that he will never take risks again, especially not risks which will double the length of his mission.

Poe reminds himself they're just friends when Finn grabs him by the hand and tugs him straight to Poe's room, which Finn has now moved into instead of finding a new place, telling him that he wants to show him something, Finn wants to show him something important.

When they reach the room, Finn picks up what appears to be a sketchbook and nervously holds it out to Poe. As he flicks through, Poe realises that Finn has been drawing the entire time he was gone, sketching and shading in charcoal, lord knows where he got it from, and he's good. Really good. There are drawings of Rey, General Organa, sketches of X-wings and landscapes, there are even sketches of BB-8. But there also pages upon pages of drawings of Poe. Fixing up his X-wing, walking around the resistance base with BB-8, there are sketches of his profile, drawings of his smile, rough depictions of his faces littered in the corners of every page, and every portrait, as if he got distracted halfway through and started doodling his face. Poe even comes across one of the two of them together, although Finn seems eager for him to carry on flicking through, so he isn't able to pause for long on that one. When he finishes looking through the book, Finn nervously asks him what he thinks.

"Finn, these are... Amazing." Poe grins at him. "Where did you learn to draw like that?"

"Self-taught, I guess, it wasn't exactly encouraged on the First Order, but I Jess gave me the sketchbook and charcoal and I just... drew." Finn smiles back, and his smile is so breathtaking Poe has to remind his heart to keep beating and his lungs to keep breathing.

Poe promises himself that they're only friends when Finn crawls into his bed after a really bad nightmare and rests his head right over where Poe's heart is beating.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Poe whispers softly in the darkness of the room. Finn shakes his head in response and Poe can feel damp tears dripping onto the soft t-shirt he sleeps in. Finn nestles deeper into his chest and Poe has to hope that his erratic heartbeat isn't too obvious, though he knows it will be, as he brings his arms up around Finn's shoulders and tightens his soft grip to remind him that he's here, he's safe.

Finn is asleep within minutes, but not before murmuring a sleepy 'Thank-you', in a voice so soft and innocent that Poe's heart melts for the beautiful man resting his head on his chest. Poe hardly sleeps that night, captivated by the soft rise and fall of Finn's chest as he sleeps, the gentle snores that escape his mouth, the slackness of his jaw as he sleeps, making him look entirely at peace. Poe can do nothing but stare at the man curled up next to him and feel the way their bodies are pressed together, legs intertwined, arms looped lazily around eachother.

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