Of all the things I left behind I miss my heart the most.

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A/N - Poe leaves Finn behind in the small town they lived in but 3 years later Finn gets a blast from the past when he sees Poe on TV. Apparently this oneshot is like a 'happy sandwich' because it starts off happy, and then it gets sad, and then it ends nicely sooo... I hope that idea appeals to you :) Yes, I did make up the song lyrics myself, so please don't hate on them too much. Enjoy :)

Finn is 15 years old and he's moving to a new town with his family. It's a small town, and it seems that they don't usually get new arrivals, if the excited whispers and rumours can be taken as any kind of indication. Clearly everyone is far more used to people leaving than arriving.

Unfortunately, this also leaves Finn at a disadvantage. Everyone at the school he joins have known each other for years. They've grown up together, and in a town as small as this, everyone knows everyone. Except for Finn. Which is why, on his first day, he finds himself hiding in the loos to eat lunch, not dissimilar to a stereotypical teen movie.

That was where Poe found him, a little surprised to see him awkwardly eating in the toilet cubicle, but quickly dragging him out to come and sit at his table with his friends, insisting that they'd love him.

Within the hour Finn finds himself surrounded by newfound friends.


Finn is 16 and Poe is teaching him how to flirt with people, because he can't even get out a single sentence when his crush is around.

Poe is there to help celebrate when Finn gets a date with the guy he's been crushing on, and he celebrates with him again when they make their relationship official.

Poe is there to help Finn pick up the pieces of his heart when he gets dumped a month later.


Finn is 18 and he's starting to realise that the way he feels about Poe is a little bit more than platonic these days. They both stay local after they graduate, moving straight into careers. Finn works as a chef in their small town's only somewhat classy restaurant (which basically means that it serves something other than fast food), and Poe works as a musician, playing small gigs and never that far from home.

They even move in together (platonically of course), and with Poe around him all the time, Finn can feel himself falling deeper and deeper each day.


Finn is 19 and Poe is his boyfriend now, and they're as happy as he thinks it is possible for two people to be. Poe writes songs about Finn, and he throws in dedications to him when he plays them. Finn goes to all of Poe's gigs and stands around like a groupie, not missing the growing crowds as his gigs become more popular.


Finn is 20 and Poe's music is being picked up by a record label, and Finn is so happy for him, but he can't help but feel like he's being left behind. And he is.

A week later, the label asks Poe to move to New York City so they can work with him a little more, and Poe's agreeing to it because goddamnit Finn, this is the chance he's been waiting for all his life.

That night they have the worst argument that Finn can ever remember them having. They both cry as Finn screams at him, telling him that he's putting his career before their relationship, and Poe yells back that he can't spend his whole life waiting around in this small town, and that if he doesn't get out now he never will. Because this is his chance, and Finn shouldn't hold him back from that.

A few hours later, after all the anger has left their bodies, Finn sobs quietly that he doesn't want him to leave, and Poe's voice is filled with just as much emotion when he replies that he's sorry, he's so, so sorry, but he can't stay, and he knows that Finn won't - that he can't - follow.

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