The Chocolate Bar

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A/N -  Finn's chocolate bar get's stuck in the vending machine and Poe is the handsome stranger that gets it out for him. This chapter is fluff central. Be warned, it doesn't stay that way.

All Finn wanted was his favourite chocolate bar from the vending machine before he went to his next class. That was all he wanted. He was tired, and he was sick of his classes and his professors, and he just wanted a boost to get him through his final class of the day.

Unfortunately, the universe seemed set against him when his chocolate bar remained stuck in the vending machine, lodged just inches above the flap, and didn't budge even after he paid for a second bar in a desperate attempt to dislodge it. After attempts on his own to remove the chocolate bar, and with help from his friend Rey, who was begging him to hurry up, he admitted defeat and got some water from the fountain instead.

Just as he was about to leave the lobby, a large group approached the vending machine. Finn could hear their not-so-quiet conversation, and almost laughed when they noticed the chocolate bars lodged in the machine.

"Hey, whose chocolate is this?" An extremely attractive young man with dark, tousled hair and strong arms, exposed by the short sleeves of his t-shirt, asked the receptionist who had watched Finn's ordeal with barely contained humour. He blushed when the receptionist pointed him out where he was still stood at the water fountain, and wanted to melt into the floor when the man turned to face him. "These yours?" He yelled across the lobby, gesturing to the chocolate in the vending machine.

Speechless, Finn nodded mutely at him, unable to come up with any coherent sentences. Rey nudged him from her spot beside him and he finally choked out some words.

"Um, yeah, those are mine." Finn replied.

"Smooth." Rey whispered, and Finn elbowed her side to shut her up.

"I got you." The man winked, before turning back to the vending machine and aggressively hitting it to try and make the chocolate bars fall.

"I already tried that." Finn called but his words seemed to fall on deaf ears.

"Poe, come on!" One of the girls from the group groaned.

"Give me a minute, Jess." He huffed and Finn held back a laugh at his determined expression.

"This guy doesn't give up." Rey had chuckled quietly at his side. "He must really want to fuck you." Finn flushed and elbowed her again.

"He doesn't want to fuck me, he's just being a nice guy." Finn muttered. "Right?" He turned to Rey and she laughed.

"You are far to naïve for your own good." She grinned at him, before checking her watch. "I have to go, I can't be late for my mechanics class, I'll see you later at the flat, okay? Text me about how this goes down." She laughed as she left the lobby, throwing him a quick wink just before she walked out of the doors.

Eventually Poe's friends left, telling him they'd be in the car, and that he better not make them late for whatever it was they were going to. By this point, Finn was cutting it close when it came to getting to his class on time, and Poe was being heckled by his friends to just leave the damn chocolate and get in the car, and yet he still hadn't given in.

Finn couldn't help but be oddly fascinated by the man as he watched him punch and shake the vending machine. At one point he'd even reached up through the flap to try and dislodge the stuck chocolate bars, but had given up when he realised there was no way his arm would reach. Finn had taken to hovering awkwardly a few feet from the vending machine, watching the man, Poe, repeatedly trying the same tactics to get Finn's chocolate.

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