The Morning After

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A/N - Finn and Poe fall for eachother pretty quickly, but before they know it Poe is being sent across the seas and Finn is left behind. Is a month too soon for them to start a long distance relationship? Yeah so things get a bit angstier from here on out. I don't know about you but I can sense a bit of a Dear John/Pearl Harbour type situation brewing... (By which I mean the books/films)

The next morning, Finn woke up in a bed that was certainly not his own, though thankfully he knew how he had come to be there. His only concern now was whether or not he should still be there. He and Poe had talked a lot last night, and he had felt like they'd connected in some way, but he hadn't been able to deduce if Poe was looking for a one night stand or something more. Besides, he was back for a month, and then he was leaving. Was that something Finn wanted to get caught up in?

It only took one glance at the man sleeping peacefully next to him for him to answer his own question.

Yes. He would absolutely like to get caught up in Poe. That was, if Poe wanted him.

Apparently Poe not wanting him wasn't even an option, given the way they had spent their morning, before finally climbing out of bed to make breakfast, a routine which lead to a minor foodfight in the kitchen, which of course resulted in a heavy makeout session.

Before he knew it, Finn found himself caught up in a whirlwind romance, swept away by Poe's charm and wit and stunning attractiveness, and taken aback that he would want to spend his small amount of time away from the airforce with him, although he was aware that most of his friends would be returning with him. Still, Finn was surprised at Poe's eagerness to be with him, although he wasn't complaining, and he certainly wasn't questioning it.

Time flies, however, when you're having fun, and before Finn could even keep track of the time passing, 3 and a half weeks had flown by in a haze of romance, until one morning Finn woke up in Poe's bed, not for the first time, with a sense of impending doom that followed the realisation that their time together was almost up.

He glanced at the man sleeping next to him with a sad sort of smile. If the situation were different, if Poe wasn't going away for so long, Finn could see them having a long relationship, a permanent relationship even. He had fallen hard and fast for the man next to him. Harder and faster than he had for anyone he'd ever loved before. Was it too early to say love? Because that was what was happening. He was falling in love with a man who was about to disappear for a year.

"Stop thinking and come back and cuddle." Poe muttered, not even opening one of his eyes. Finn laughed quietly, sliding back downing under the covers and wrapping his arms around Poe.

"I'm sorry, I was just thinking..."

"About how I'm leaving soon. I know." Poe replied for him, turning around to face him, his eyes opening lazily, still slightly fuzzy from sleep.

"We'll talk about it later, you have the day off, right?" Poe smiled sleepily.

"Yeah, okay." Finn pressed a sloppy kiss to his lips, before pulling him in to snuggle into his chest, loving the feeling of having Poe wrapped up safe in his arms, knowing that it wouldn't be this way for much longer.


"When do you have to leave?" Finn asked as they settled down for breakfast in an unusually quiet fashion.

"Couple of days." Poe replied. "I leave first thing on Tuesday." He sighed.

"Then I guess we need to make the most of the two days we have left and then I guess we just..." Finn trailed off into silence, trying to gauge Poe's reaction.

"I don't want to give this up." Poe seemed to answer the questions running through Finn's internal monologue. "Maybe now wasn't the best time to start up a new relationship, but I don't want to let this go."

"Me neither, so I guess we need to find a way to make this work." Finn replied.

"I probably won't have a phone or a computer, at least not regularly enough for it to be worth considering." Poe huffed.

"Then I guess we'll have to do this the traditional way." Finn grinned. "Good old fashioned love letters."


Letter no.1

Dear Poe,

You've only been gone for 3 hours as I'm writing this, but I miss you already. Is that crazy? You've only been a part of my life for one month and I've fallen for you like a stone dropped from the top of a tower. And now you're gone, and it's like there's a hole in my heart where you should be. A hole that I didn't realise existed until you came along and filled it...

Letter no.6

Dear Finn,

I hate it here. I hate being away from you, and I hate that I know exactly how long it would take me to get home to you if I were to jump into my aircraft and fly back home right now. I hate that my mind whirs late at night with thoughts of you. Thoughts of how you're doing, what you're doing, who you're with. I wonder sometimes if you're looking up at the same stars I'm looking at right now. Then I realise that it's the middle of the day for you, so of course you aren't....

Letter no.23

Dear Poe,

Today is Valentines Day, and I can't help but think of you, and how I wish that I could share today with you. I miss the sound of your voice and the smile on your face and the way you kiss my forehead when you think I'm asleep. I miss every part of you...

Letter no.56

Dear Finn,

I've been moved to a new area, and this one is worse than the first. I wish there was more I could do to help, and at the same time I know I can't. Sometimes I think your letters are the only thing keeping me from going insane. I've seen far too much blood spilled to possibly be this calm, and I think I owe that to you. I like to think you're like a good luck charm, keeping me alive through the worst flights...

Letter no.87

Dear Poe,

Jess came to see me today to tell me you were injured, and I almost had a heart attack, because I thought she was coming to tell me you were dead. Please stay safe, wherever you are. Please don't get shot down again, I don't think I could take the panic. I suppose the only plus side is that you'll be home for a few weeks...

Letter no.88

Dear Finn,

The past few weeks have been so perfect. Seeing you again has only made me fall more in love with you than ever before, and my heart aches to be leaving you again. We've hardly spent two months actually together, which seems crazy, because I know that I've fallen so hard and fast for you that it would scare me, if I wasn't so certain of my feelings for you...

Letter no. 139

Dear Poe,

Tonight I am watching the stars, and my eyes keep drifting over constellations. The stars are beautiful tonight, but I can't help but let my mind wander back to you, and how your beauty would trump that of a thousand stars...

Letter no.168

Dear Finn,

I can't wait until I see you again. My tour ends in 3 weeks, and then I can come home to you, to your warm arms and your beautiful smile. I can make you laugh again, and I can hold you and kiss you and feel you...

Letter no.169

Mr Finn Samuels, We regret to inform you that one of our pilots, Poe Dameron, was shot down during combat. His body was not recovered...

A/N - Please don't hate me...

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