The End

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A/N - Final Part! It kind of starts off with a collection of some of the notes they leave eachother, revealing simple domestic fluff, a trip to the hospital, arguments and Poe's weird habits and ends with... well, you can figure it out when you read it. It's a bit obscure, and a lot more of it is implied, because most of this is told through little notes they leave eachother, just tell me if it's a bit too subtle, this hasn't been read by a beta or anything, so I don't know... Also, none of this has been proofread so there might me typos etc so sorry, but enjoy it, anyway :)


I'm at the shops getting eggs, for breakfast. If you're reading this then I'm either still out, in which case I'll be back asap, or I'm an idiot who forgot to get rid of the post it note after I got back, in which case you can get rid of this.
Love you,
Poe xx :)

Moving van will be here at 10, hopefully I'll be back by then, sorry I couldn't stay to have breakfast with you, but you know how Prof Organa is about her early classes.
See you later,
Finn xx
P.S. I love you, roomie ;)

Good luck on your finals, you'll be awesome! I know you'll rock that exam.
Love you,
Poe xx
P.S. get home quick, there's a surprise waiting for you ;)

Please unpack your boxes, we've been living together for 3 months. I don't care if they're good for making forts.
P.S. Don't you dare ignore this Dameron. If they aren't unpacked by tomorrow, I'm moving back in with Rey, I don't care if she's already living with Jess. I'd rather live with their sex noise than these piles of boxes.
P.P.S. I love you xx

I'm sorry I yelled, I'm hoping that sliding a post it under the door is cute enough to convince you to unlock the door. Please let me in. I love you, I didn't mean to get angry, please let me in.
Lots of love,
Poe xx
P.S. It's also raining outside and I'm really cold cause you have my jacket. Please let me come inside, even if it's just to yell at me.

Stop sliding post its under the door, I'm mad at you, and you being cute is ruining my anger.
P.S. Why do you even have post its? Do you carry them around in your pocket or something?

I'm not gonna stop until you let me in to apologise in person. I'll start adding cute drawings.
Love you,
Poe xx
P.S. Yes, yes I do.

Just gone out to get eggs, I'll be back before you have to leave for work to make you breakfast.
Love you,
Finn xx :)

I'm guessing you got caught up in traffic or something? I had to go to work, but I'll see you tonight for dinner.
Sorry, I love you.
Poe xx :)

Please wake up.
I love you.
Poe xxx

I miss you, sitting next to you in a hospital isn't the same. They keep telling me I need to go. I got really angry and almost hit someone. Now I'm worried they won't let me come in and see you again.
I love you.
Poe xxx

I might be asleep again when you get this, but I wrote you a post it while I was awake. The nurse told me you wanted to be here when I woke up, so if you want I can pretend to wake up again when you're actually around. Thanks for all the post its you left on my bedside table.
I love you.
Finn xxxx

I'm taking BeeBee for a walk, don't do anything stupid while I'm out, the doctor said to rest.
Love you,
Poe xxxxx

Stop trying to add more x's than me. I'm at Rey's for a catchup if you need me, don't worry, I didn't walk or anything, she came and picked me up.
Love you, I'll be back for dinner
Finn xxxxxx

I love you.
Poe xxxxxxx
P.S. we need more milk :)

Yeah, those are all of our post its on the table. Every single one. You're the center of my universe, and you're stupid and crazy and sometimes you say things that drive me crazy, and then there was the time that you died for a year, but somehow you've managed to make me fall in love with you.
I love love love you,
Finn xxxxxxxx
P.S. turn around.


Poe grinned as his eyes scanned over the table, absolutely covered in post it notes in varying colours with messages that they had left for eachother, each one carefully collected once it had served it's purpose and preserved for this precise moment in time.

As Poe's eye's scanned over the last one, his smile widened as he turned around to see Finn on one knee behind him, holding out a small velvet box with a ring nestled inside.

Despite the fact that Poe had predicted the proposal as he read the post it, his hand still flew up to cover his mouth in shock as tears welled in his eyes.

"Will you make me the happiest man in the world and do me the absolute honour of being my husband?" Finn smiled and Poe smiled back, pausing before he answered to pull a pad of post its and a pen out of his pocket, scrawling on it in large writing.


Finn laughed as Poe handed him the post it, his grin widening as he read the answer.

"I won." Finn managed to choke out, and then Poe was kneeling down in front of him and pulling him in for a sloppy kiss, wrapping his arms around his neck to pull him closer, with hot, happy tears running silently down his cheeks. Finn smiled into the kiss, before wrapping his arms around Poe's waist, the ring all but forgotten for the time being. After a few moments Finn pulled back gently. "I think that's my favourite note yet." He grinned, before leaning back in to reclaim Poe's lips with his own.

And they lived happily (for the most part) ever after.

A/N - So this is the end. If you liked this then check out my other works, mostly one shots but there is another multi-chapter work, definitely a lot happier than this one. Thanks for reading :)

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