Lisbon's POV
It was 7:30 when I finally woke up this morning.
"Ohh crap I better get up".
I walk into the bathroom and get changed and then I go into the kitchen to grab some toast to eat on the way.
Once I am ready, I get into my car and drive to work.Once I arrive at work I go to see if Jane or any of the others are there.
Luckily no one Is there so I go to my office. I start with some paperwork, but since I did a lot the night before, it doesn't take me long to finish it all.
After I finish it, I lay on my couch and fall asleep.
Just then, Van Pelt and Rigsby walk out of the elevator.
They walk to their desks to find no paperwork, so they come and see if I have any for them to do but find me asleep on the couch. They decide to go find something else to do instead of waking me.At 9:30, Jane finally arrives. He walks straight into my office, to find me curled up on the couch, asleep.
Jane's POV
It's about 9:30 when I arrive at the police department.
I go straight to Lisbon's office to see if she has arrived at work yet.
I walk past Van Pelt's desk and Rigsby's but they are not there and neither is Cho. I assume they took the day off.
Once I arrive at Lisbon's office, I can not see her.
I was about to sit on her couch and wait for her but then I see her curled up on the couch.
I duck down to her level and shake her a bit but she does not wake.
She must be asleep.
I sit there for a minute and watch her sleep. She looks so much younger when she sleeps and so cute too.
I brush the hair out of her face and hold one of her hands that is hanging off the couch.
I run circles with my finger on the back of her hand while admiring the sight of her.
After a few minutes, I hear loud footsteps so I drop her hand and quickly kiss her forehead and stand up. I turn round to find Cho behind me. Watching me.
"What are you doing".
"Nothing, just making sure she was asleep and not pretending so that I would go away".
"She knows that you would not fall for her pretending to sleep so she is definitely asleep. Anyway get out".
"Ok ok I am leaving...geez," I said while leaving her office quickly.
I go and lay on my couch. I start to think about how much I love Teresa but I can't tell her because she is so strict with rules and since we are not allowed to date co-workers, she would not do it.
After a while I fall asleep, thinking about what it would be like if we were allowed to be together and how I will eventually be able to tell her how I feel.Hey readers,
Thx for reading my fanfic. I hope you enjoyed it.
I would love it if you send me a message or comment how I did because I don't know if this is any good.
Sorry for there not being much jibson in this chapter but there will be in the next chapter.
Ok thx readers
Bye xxx