"You know you love me".

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Lisbon's POV

The pile of paperwork on my desk keeps piling up higher and higher and i just can't keep up. Wylie has taken the week off work so that leaves me and Cho to do all the paperwork. Jane has been spending the whole time on the couch, irritating me. Sometimes that man just infuriates me.

As i grab another sheet from the pile and start to fill out the blank boxes, I feel a light poke on my side. I turn round in my chair and look up to see Jane running back to his couch.

"Seriously Jane? " I ask before turning back to my paperwork.

It doesn't take long before he gets up once again. This time though, he doesn't poke me. Instead he walks past my desk and towards the break room.
He stays in there for about 5 minutes before walking back out with 2 streaming cups of coffee. He leaves one on Cho's desk and passes one to me before sitting back on his couch.
Cho and I take a sip of our coffee at the same time and it causes us both the sort it back in the mug.
Jane had thought it would be funny to add salt and soy sauce into our mugs so when we drank it, it would taste unpleasant.

"JANE! " we shout in unison.
"Haha, you were fooled" Jane laughs as he points a finger at us.
"Cho, do I have permission to punch Jane? "I direct at Cho.
"Yes you may" he chuckles.

I turn around in my chair and walk infront of his couch.
As soon as he saw me, he placed his hands over his face.
"Don't punch me Lisbon" He pleaded.
"Why shouldn't I? " I ask with a disapproving look.
"Because you love me" Jane answers.
"What if I don't love you anymore " I joke.
"You know you love me Lisbon, just face it" he says which causes me to grin.

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