Lisbon's POV
It was just after lunch and we still didn't have a case. Patrick took my hand and lead me to the store room. As soon as the door was locked he came towards me. His lips connected to mine, i kissed him back but then remembered where we were.
I pushed him away.
"Patrick we can't do this. Not here anyway" i said.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me closer to him.
"Teresa i can't wait till we get home, i need you now" he said as he reconnected his lips to mine. This time i didn't pull away.
I couldn't help it. The way he kissed me made me go insane.
He sucked on my bottom lip, making me moan in pleasure. Not loudly but enough that Patrick knew he was doing something right.
I kissed him back with passion and pretty quickly the kiss got heated.
I wrapped my legs round his waist, trying to get as close as possible.
I run my hands through his curly blonde locks, bringing his head closer to mine.
His tongue slides in to my mouth and battles with my tongue which makes him groan.
I put my feet back down on the floor and start to pull of his shirt and waist coat as he also starts to pull off my shirt.
Once the shirts are off, i wrap my legs around his waist again. While keeping my lips locked with his, i run my hands along his well toned body which makes his moan in to my mouth.
He starts to pull at my jeans and as they get half way down my legs, my phone starts to ring, luckily the store room is not near the main building.
I pick up my phone. Wiley's picture fills up the screen. Great just we need.
Patrick puts me down and i answer the call.
"Hey Wiley what's up" i hesitate.
"Hey Lisbon, Cho and i were wondering where you and Jane are. You kind of just walked off and we haven't seen you since. We tried to call Jane but he left his phone on your desk" he said anxiously.
"We just went for a walk outside that's all, we will head back now" I said while motionaling to Patrick to get his clothes back on.
"Ok........bye Lisbon" he said.
Then the call ended.Once we get back in to our clothes and made ourselves look more presentable, we quietly unlocked the store room door and walked quickly out of the corridor and in to the elevator.
The elevator door opened and Cho and Wiley were standing there with their arms crossed, staring at us.
"So where did you go on your walk" said Cho as he looked us dead in the eye.
This made me gulp.
"Ummm....we went round the car park" Patrick said to them both, also crossing his arms.
"How did you get out" said Cho.
"What do you mean" i said nervously. They knew we were lying.
"Well you didn't sign out and security didn't see you leave" Wiley said, almost laughing at our expressions.
Guilt was written all over me and Patrick's faces. I looked up at him and then back at Cho and Wiley.
They burst out laughing which made us more confused.
"Don't worry, we will not tell Abbott what you were doing in the store room" Cho said as he started laughing again.
"Ummm.....Sorry?" I said.
We all walked back to our desks and Patrick sat on his couch. When the others weren't looking i scooted towards him in my chair.
"I will kill you Patrick Jane" i said angrily.
"No you will not Teresa, you love me too much" he said as a grin formed on his face.
In a split of a second, my hand had connected with his cheak and then he was sorry.
"Owww...Teresa" he said as he cradled his cheak.
"That's what you get for embarrassing me" i said as i started to scoot back to me desk.
"Yeah but Teresa, you loved it" Patrick said.

Crimson One Shots
Fiksi PenggemarA few one shots on jisbon. None of them are related.