"Lisbon, i'm bored" Said my annoying consultant in a very whiney voice.
"So go find something to do other than annoying me" i reply.
"But lisbon you have been doing paperwork for ages" He says as he walks up behind Lisbon's chair.
"Jane it is your fault i am doing this paperwork in the first place so stop whining" I shout at him, leaning back in my chair and throwing my hands in the air.
The case we have just finished had been one of those high profile cases so i am really stressed.
"But i want to have some fun" Jane said cheekily as he kissed my head and massaged my shoulders.
Quickly i turn round.
"Jane! Stop that otherwise someone will find out" i shout whisper to him.
"Lisbon the blinds are shut so no they are not going to find out so stop panicking and...relax" he said as he twirled my chair round to face him and gave me a kiss in the lips. As soon as his lips where on mine i couldn't stop so i kissed him back.
Just as it started to get heated up, Hightower walked in, starting at us with disbelief.
When i hear her clear her throat, we jump apart with wide eyes we turn round to Hightower. Her face was going bright red with anger and she started to ball her fists.
"LISBON, JANE, MY OFFICE NOW!" She shouted so loud the whole of the building probably heard it.
I get up from my chair and guiltily walk past the bullpen and towards Hightower's office with Jane trailing behind me.
Grace's POV
Jane and Lisbon came out of her office looking guilty as they both walked towards Hightower's office.
They are in BIG trouble.30 minutes later they come out of Hightower's office and Jane has his arm around a crying Lisbon who is leaning into his chest. Jane's face is white like he had seen a ghost. Rigsby, Cho and I walk up to them to see what's going on.
"Hey what's going on? Why is Boss crying?" I say as i near to them.
"I am not aloud to work here anymore" Jane says which makes Lisbon cry even more. He puts both of his arms round her waist and brings her closer as she buries her face in his shirt.
"What happened" Says Rigsby.
"Umm...Me and Lisbon are together which obviously against the rules sooo...i have to leave" Jane says as a tear runs down his face.
I give him a big hug and he smiles back.
"Congrats" i say with a small smile.
"Are we going to be able to see you again?" Says Cho who hadn't said a word yet.
"Yeah of course, i will still visit you at work sometimes and i am staying in California so we can meet up i will just....not be working with you anymore that's all" Jane says.
"Ok" I say.
Jane bends down and faces Lisbon who is still crying;
"Hey, it's ok. Do you wanna go home?" He asks her and she nods her head in reply.
Jane lets go of Lisbon and walks closer to us.
"Well bye guys, thank you soo....much for putting up for me these past few years, it's been great" Jane says as another tears slips down his face.
Rigsby, Cho and I all give him a hug goodbye and he takes Lisbon's hand and they both leave.
I can't believe that Jane is not coming back to work with us.
Just that thought makes me also start to let go of a few tears.
"Hey it's ok we will see him again" Cho says as we all walk back to the bullpen.