Patrick’s POV
It is 10 o’clock and i have just finished washing up the pots from dinner. Teresa is sitting at the dining table doing her paperwork. I walk into the room and stand behind her, wrapping my arms around her neck.
“Can we go to bed now please because i am tired” I yawn.
“You can go to bed but i have to stay up a while longer and finish this paperwork” she said as she leant back, giving me a quick kiss on the lips before going back to her paperwork.
I huff and walk into the living room. I sit on the couch and switch on the TV. There is nothing good to watch. The most interesting thing on the TV right now is Family Guy and that is not my thing. I get up off the couch and walk towards the bedroom, shutting the door after myself. I quickly get changed and lay on the bed. I close my eyes, hoping that i will be able to sleep tonight but 10 minutes later, i am still awake.
I need Teresa.
I get up out of bed and walk back downstairs and head towards the dining room, slumping onto the chair opposite Teresa’s.
“I thought you had gone to bed” She says without even looking up from her work.
“I did but i can’t sleep” I say quietly.
She hums in response but then the room becomes silent again.
After 15 minutes of sitting down, doing nothing, i get up off my chair with a huff and stomp up the stairs in a rage.
“Be quiet Patrick, You’re going to wake up Angus if you keep stomping up the stairs” She shouts.
“FINE!” i yell back as i walk into our bedroom, and slam the door shut.
I launch myself onto the bed, burying my head in the pillows and letting the tears fall. I don’t even know why i am crying.
I pick up the picture of Teresa and I in the hospital with newborn baby Angus in our arms. We were so happy. Tears started to flow down my cheeks and i couldn’t stop them.
I pull the covers up and slide underneath them. A few minutes later, i am asleep.
Lisbon’s POV
What has come over Patrick today. He isn’t normally like this. He has never shouted at me before.
I push the thought out of head and keep going with my paperwork.
Then i get a lightbulb moment.
He wasn’t angry, he was upset and tired. Oh what have i done. He wanted me to come to bed with him because he couldn’t sleep by himself. He’s been like that since i first met him.
I put my paperwork into a neat pile and stuff it in my bag before walking upstairs. I stand outside the door, nervous about what he will say. Is he still annoyed at me?
I open the door slowly and switch the light on. Patrick is asleep on the bed. He has a picture of us in hospital when Angus was born. His face is stained with tears. Some of his blonde curls are stuck to his forehead and his eyes are drooped slightly.
Seeing him like this brings tears to my eyes. I swiftly walk towards the bed. I lay next to him, putting my arms around him and pulling him towards me. I place a gentle kiss on his lips and in his hair. I watch him sleep. The sound of him breathing and his scent lull me to sleep and before you know it, i am also out like light.
Jane’s POVI can feel the tightness of arms around my waist and i can smell cinnamon. Even before i open my eyes i know she is next to me. I open my eyes and i see my beloved Teresa inches away from my face. Her breath tickled my face. Her long brown locks covered her face and her hands were gripping to my sides as if she was scared that i would leave her. I tuck her hair behind her ear so that i can see her beautiful face. When she is asleep she looks stress-free, like she doesn’t have a care in the world. I try to roll over but i end up waking her up in the process.
“Patrick” she said quietly.
“What is it babe” i replied.
“I’m sorry” she muttered quietly.
This statement took me by surprise.
“Sorry about what babe?”
She let go of waist and turned round so that she was facing the ceiling.
“I am sorry about last night. i didn’t mean to shut you out like that. I shouldn’t have shouted at you, it was so stupid….” she said but before she could finish, i brushed my lips on hers.
“It’s ok, it was my fault to. i shouldn’t of assumed that you could just drop everything that you were doing just because i can’t sleep myself” I responded.
Before she could say anything else, i pressed my lips to her and kissed her with passion and affection. She kissed me back fiercely. I let go of her lips and start to kiss down her jawline which made her to moan. I rolled us over so that i was on top as i connected our lips again.
Without warning, the sound of little feet against the wooden floor made Teresa and i jump away from each other. Then a little head poked out from behind the door.
“Mommy, Daddy i am scared. I can hear scary sounds” said our 2 year old son as he walked into our room and jumped onto the bed, snuggling into his father’s chest.
Teresa gives me her famous look. Oh i’m in trouble.
“It’s ok baby boy, there is no one there” i said calmly as i rubbed his back.