omg fuck you i don't like you

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You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!

Question to discuss:

To anyone that does "wuts ur kik" and shit, fuck you.

Stranger 2: What's the problem with it?

Stranger 1: so what's your kik?

Stranger 2: If people enjoy talking to others, does that make them a terrible person?

Stranger 2: Clever, stranger.

Stranger 2: I don't enjoy spamming as much as the next guy, but if people genuinely find interests and want to continue their conversation, who cares?

Stranger 2: Be happy, I say.

Stranger 1: no but I guess people who don't ask a question and just leave their kik can get annoying

Stranger 2: Sure.

Stranger 2: I just don't understand the pure hatred for kik.

Stranger 2: Who cares?

Stranger 2: It's not like it's affecting you.

Stranger 2: Just hit escape twice and quit complaining.

Stranger 2: If you want to argue, here's my kik: brettisasexual.

Stranger 2: :}

Stranger 2 has disconnected

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