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I decided to hold a contest, and in basically gonna post this in every single one of my books, but it's specifically for this story. I'm holding a gem OC contest who will be one of Sapphire's friends in this story, and well, I guess that's the prize? Lol.
So, this competition will run from now to April 14th. If there are no entries, so be it, I'll make somebody up. Here's the form, and just so you guys know, this will be the human form of your character. Post your replies in the comments! Some of these will seem weird since they're all humans, but I want to try to get them as close as possible in my descriptions. There's a chance I'll pick more than one and just have some of them not be Sapphy's friends (I'm also looking for a villain so...if that's your deal)
Gem name:
Nickname (if available):
Hair color:
Eye color:
Skin color (gem and human forms)
Gem placement:
Favorite food:
Typically clothing:
Would they win in a fight against Jasper?:
Popular or nerdy?(not trying to be stereotypical with mean popular kids and shy needs, I just need to know if they're Sour Cream or Peridot):

That's it! Start posting your entires soon! The only rule is.... There are no rules!

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