Chapter 29: Rosie Wayland.

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(Rosie's Pov)

"Hey? What's going on?" I walked over to a pacing Isabelle and a training Alec.

"Lydia arrested Meliorn."

"Who's Meliorn?" I ask.

"It's complicated." Isabelle bluntly answers.

"It's not Lydia's fault." Alec packed a hard punch to the bag, probably further injuring his arm.

"Really? Because I think it's exactly her fault. She even got mom and dad sent back to Idris." Izzy said.

"Mom and dad are back at Idris?" Jace barged in.

"Yes. Because apparently she thinks mom and dad aren't doing their jobs."

"Well maybe that's because they're not." Alec said blasting one more punch and groaning at the pain of his arm.

"What are you talking about Alec?" Jace and Isabelle walked closer to him.

"Mom and dad aren't who you think they are." Alec warned. "They used to be circle members, they used to be one of them."

"What's a circle member?" I asked, but nobody answered.

"They don't have the circle runes." Isabelle pointed out.

"They must have worked out a deal with The Clave."

"Alec.... That was....a loooong time ago." Isabelle breathed.

"Doesn't matter. What matters is that-" Alec was about to rant, but someone interrupted him.

"Hello Jace Wayland, I had to see for myself if the rumors were true." Lydia walked next to Alec.

"Well here I am, but who are you?" Jace said as his anger bubbles within his bones.

"Lydia Branwell, envoy from The Clave." She held her hand out for him to shake, but he swiftly ignored him.

You might be wondering why I haven't been talking. It's because I think this is more family business.

Lydia cleared her throat and shared an awkward smile.

"Anyways... Have you told them?

"Tell us what?" Jace and Izzy said together.

Lydia gave Alec a look and he huffed as Jace crossed his arms. "Me and Lydia are getting married."

"WHAT?!" Jace and Izzy said simultaneously again, but this time they both looked at me.

"You were supposed to say no." Izzy said, turning all the attention to Alec.

"Well that was before I found out that our parents are the reason why the 'Lightwood' name is being questioned. Now it's my responsibility to restore it." Alec walked away shoving their shoulder as Lydia follows.

(3rd Person's Pov)

"HAVE YOU LOST YOUR DAMN MIND?!" Isabelle flaring her nostrils.

"Orders are orders." Lydia calmly said.

"Right.... Like taking Meliorn to the Silent Brothers are the 'Clave's orders'."

"Believe me, taking Meliorn to the Silent Brothers was not my idea." Lydia defended.

"Isabelle, we're just trying to find out what's going on." Alec said.

"Yeah and somehow I highly doubt that." Isabelle walks away to go find Jace.

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