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"This is really beautiful, Zayn." Harry said, looking out at the city and the water.

After a nice dinner, Zayn decided to drive somewhere private so the two of them could talk.

He drove up on a large hill far from the city, with a view of L.A. to the east, and the ocean straight ahead of them.

"I love it." Harry added, looking back at Zayn, who was sitting on the hood of his car watching Harry.

Zayn had been watching Harry closely all evening.

Taking in all of his features, and noticing more than ever.

Like how often Harry smiled, and the way his smile seemed to light up the room.

Or how perfect his hair looked, when the boy hardly put any effort into it.

"You say that like I created it." Zayn spoke up.

Harry smiled, walking over and climbing up onto the hood next to him.

"Well you brought me here." He said softly.

"Plus I was....I wanted to ask you something." Harry said.

Zayn's heart started pounding. "Yeah?"

"Would you mind if I took some pictures? Of the view?" Harry asked.

"Oh, no, of course not." Zayn said.

"Thanks." Harry said, hopping off of the car and going to get his camera from the backseat.

Zayn chuckled, watching Harry walk back over to the edge to take pictures.

"Be careful." He said.

"Always." Harry smiled.

"Why did you think I'd mind if you took pictures?" Zayn asked as Harry came back over and sat next to him.

"Because it's our date." Harry said, looking through the pictures.

"How polite of you." Zayn commented.

Harry smiled at him, noticing how good he looked in the light from the setting sun.

Zayn noticed the look in Harry's eyes. "You're not taking pictures of me." Zayn chuckled.

"Why not?" Harry grinned.

"Because I said so." Zayn replied.

"Fine." Harry chuckled, taking his camera from around his neck and setting it on the hood.

"You think I'll be a successful photographer? You know, in the future I guess?" Harry asked.

Zayn looked at him. "Of course. I told you that already."

"Oh." Harry said, looking down at his lap.

"D'you think....we should stay until the stars come out? Because that'd make the night even more perfect?" Harry asked innocently.

"Whatever you want." Zayn chuckled, watching the younger boy.

Harry smiled, moving and leaning back against the windshield.

Zayn was nervous, and craving a cigarette, but he chose not to smoke it.

He didn't want to have bad breath, because he planned on kissing Harry.

"I can already see a few stars." Harry smiled, gazing up at the sky.

Zayn looked up as well, but his mind was elsewhere.

He was nervous about where things were going with Harry.

Zayn was worried he'd mess it up, and that was the last thing he wanted to do.

Snow Boy [Zarry]Where stories live. Discover now