Chapter Ten

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This time it's Lea's turn to scream for her brother, and Brian and Alex for me as they're rendered helpless with the other creature keeping them at bay.

I shove Aaron out of the way as I dive to the ground, avoiding the beat's insanely sharp claws by a hairsbreadth. I mutter a string of profanity as my injured leg slams against the floor and I accidentally cut my thumb on the knife, because in my act of instinct I didn't bother to ditch the knife, smartly enough. 

I scramble off of Aaron, grabbing a piece of metal from a nearby gurney and dropping my knife, using the metal as a bat and swinging it at the creature as it tries to launch at us again. I hit my target in the muzzle with a sickening 'thwack' as it's momentum throws it into the far wall. I help Aaron up, positioning him behind me and the wall, Lea and the twins still trapped on my right, the creature I struck already up and moving again.

"What the hell is that thing?" Aaron hisses in my ear.

"It's a genetically mutated canine," I reply darkly, shifting my stance and slipping off my pack, preparing the piece of metal. "They're modified and bred to be used as weapons against the Condemned States' enemies - also known as Escapees such as ourselves."

"Oh, lovely," he mutters dryly. "Are they responsible for the chaotic state of this place?"

"Most probably," I say with a stiff nod. "That also means there's another entrance to this place that we missed - possibly underground or something. They've been here for awhile if the boils on their skin are anything to go by. Malnutrition creates boils on their skin on a certain timescale. These guys are starving - and rabid. We're their only meal in... about five years."

"Damn. How are they even still alive?"

"They can survive without food for up to six years," I reply. "They basically digest their own fat nutrients to survive. It's a complicated science thing that I only know because some Sentries like to ramble on about their latest death toys before we go to our 'impending doom'."

"Right... So this is what you meant when you were saying that I shouldn't jinx us?"

"Yup," I say, popping the 'p'. "Hell-hounds are spectacular terms for these flesh-eating monstrosities."

"Right... And there are two of them."


"And you're currently in a stand off with one of them while the other is staring at my sister like it's snack."

"Yup," I respond again, the 'p' popping once more. 

"What are the chances of us surviving?"

Before I can make a reply, the Hell Hound leaps at me, and I swing my metal bat, striking the creature in the side of the head, and jabbing it in the side, make it retreat. "I've beat these things before. Lots of bullets, electricity, and sharp stuff helps."

"What can I do in the mean time?"

"Stand back and stay the hell out of harm's way, so that I don't have one more person to save."

"I don't like that option."

"You would if you could see the scar on my waist from the last one I fought."

He grimaces behind me. "I really don't want to see it."

"Hopefully you won't have to," I reply, advancing on the Hell Hound and bringing the metal down on it's head. The roar that occurs sends me stumbling back. It's been awhile; I forgot they could do that.

The Hound grips the metal with it's sharp teeth and yanks it from my loosened grip as I gain my bearings again. Aaron pulls me back as the creature launches again, using his steel-toed boots to kick the grotesque creature in the muzzle. It falls back with a yelp. 

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