Chapter Twenty-Four

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Aaron's P.O.V

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Bryna actually gave in. 

To my horror, I realized it's because I had yelled at her for her reckless stunts. She promised she would work on it. This is her way of avoiding bloodshed.

Marcus laughs. "Brilliant, Bryna. Brilliant." He motions for his men to let us go. Lea grabs Brian as he's dropped, and Alex grabs his other side.

"Bryna, you're insane," Justin hisses, grabbing her arm.

Bryna yanks her arm out of his grasp. "No, I'm making a sacrifice."

She looks over at me as I stare at her. I imagine how I must look, eyes wide, jaw slack, staring at her in utter disbelief. 

She strolls over. "Aaron, you've gotta go. Get everyone into the red minivan behind Justin and drive away. It's a straight shot to Rhode Island as long as you stay on the road." She smiles simply. "Our journey together ends here."


"No, don't worry about me. Marcus is right; what else do I have to live for?"

"You have Brian, Alex, Justin. Lea. Me."

She shrugs. "It's better this way. Less chance of me screwing things up with you all. That's all I'm good for, isn't it?"

"I thought you forgave me for that. It was a heat of the moment thing."

"I do forgive you. But you were right about some things, Aaron." She tilts her head. "This is my calling, Aaron. It's what I'm supposed to do. Maybe I'll see you again soon."

"Brie, you can't just-"

She cuts me off by placing a small kiss on my lips. "I care, Aaron. For the first time, I care about whether or not I'm hurt. This is the best way to avoid that. Please don't let my efforts be in vain."

"I..." I'm still momentarily stunned by her bold act, but she shoves me towards the car, handing me her backpack.

"Bye, Aaron." She turns and walks towards Marcus.

I walk towards the car, and Alex, Lea and Brian follow suit, looking equally numb to the situation.

Any minute, Bryna was going to pull out her gun and shoot Marcus in the head and help us escape. Any minute and she'd put bullets into as many people as possible and leap into the car with us so we could all escape together.

Any minute and she'd laugh and tell me that I'm so unbelievably stupid for thinking she'd actually give in to this douche so easily. 

Any minute, and she'd call out my name and smile beautifully, telling me that it was all a joke, and that we're actually set to head out for Rhode Island for the happy ending we all deserve.

I wait in the backseat of the minivan as Justin searches for keys, and as Brian is put into the back with Lea for assistance, hoping that Bryna would pull one of her last minute tricks.

But as we pull out of the gas station with what meager supplies we have,  I'm forced to realize that she may be serious about this decision after all. And the last memory I'll have of her for years to come is of her kissing me curtly before shoving me towards my safety while she goes to start a war of her own.

The silence in the car is deafening, and I can't even reach back to hold my sister as she sobs for the loss of the only best friend she's ever had.

"She's jesting, right?" Alex croaks. "This is some scheme of hers? She's going to save the day and then laugh at us for being so sensitive, right?"

No one answers him, and his tears spill, because we all know very well that this might be the last time we see Bryna again.

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