Chapter Twenty-one

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For a few days we travel by car, finding gas through siphoning it through other abandoned cars and gas stations.

We alternate who drives every few hours, so we can both sleep and rest equally.

Currently it's dusk. Aaron's driving, and I'm curled up in the passenger's seat, eyes closed and pretending to be asleep. Aaron's being cute, humming an unfamiliar song suspiciously like a lullaby whilst simultaneously tapping his fingers against the wheel in a steady rhythm.

Oh. I just associated Aaron and 'cute' in the same sentence. Brilliant.

I had actually woken up a few minutes ago, but Aaron doesn't know that. He's been particularly quiet after my small breakdown a few days ago. I think we're both waiting for the other to apologize straight-out for the argument. To be quite frank, I'm not entirely sure who's going to apologize first, but it's likely going to be me. I can't ever go too long without apologizing in a situation where I was somewhat in the wrong.

Suddenly, Aaron utters a curse and slams on the breaks, causing me to fall forward and smack my head against the dashboard.

I let out a small yelp, cursing myself for not wearing a seat-belt.

"Damn. Are you alright, Brie?" Aaron asks reaching over to me.

I groan, moving back into my seat. "Fine," I assure him. "That's one hell of a wake up, though."

"Sorry," Aaron replies. "I saw a body in the road and we almost ran it over. Scared the living hell out of me."

I rub my sore head. "It's fine. No damage done."

Aaron chuckles. "Alright. You staying in here, or do you want to check it out with me?"

I snort. "Like I'd let you go out there alone in the almost-dark to check out a body when there could still be people out there to kill us," I say sarcastically.

He grins and unbuckles his seatbelt, getting out of the car. I open my door and climb out, shrugging back into my jacket that I had used for a blanket as I do so.

The body Aaron saw was sprawled in the road,  blood soaking the blue uniform signifying the individual. They're laying face down on the street, blood pooling out of a bullet wound through their shoulder.

Aaron nudges the body with his foot. The body doesn't respond.

My breath hitches as I notice the hair - raven black, cut short like a certain traitor I know. 

Aaron glances at me, sees the look on my face. Understanding crosses his features and he kneels down, turning the person onto their back. The man's too old to be Justin, thank God. Should I be concerned that I was worried about Justin being dead? Probably, but I'll write it off to not wanting anymore deaths in my circle.

Aaron checks for a pulse, before shaking his head. "Dead," he says, confirming my thoughts.

"Probably been dead for a few days," I add with a small nod, kneeling next to him.

Aaron looks at me, eyes wide. "Brie, do you think it's possible...?"

"Logically they should have been passed here days ago. But if they were held back, then yeah, it's possible it was them."

"What do you think personally?"

"Knowing Brian? They'd have waited a few days to wait for us. Then they'd have left. Also, under the circumstances, unless there's another Escapee group that we know of, this would have to be them. Alex prefers shots to the shoulders. Less chance of them dying, but enough power to prevent them from continuing on." I shrug.

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