Chapter One

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"Brie, we should stop to rest."

I look at Justin, my best friend and second-in-command. "They're hot on our tails, Jay. We can't yet."

"Brie, I'm dying. Can we please just rest?" Alex groans.

"Let me at least find some place for cover," I say with a sigh.

"How long's that going to take?" Brian, Alex's twin, asks.

I shrug. "As long as it takes."

"You two need to shut up before you draw attention to us," Justin growls softly, as we duck into the shadow of a nearby building to avoid detection.

We're in one of the deserted towns near a Slave Camp we hit earlier today. The Sentries are relentless.

"Yeah, " I whisper, narrowing my eyes in the setting sun. "And grow some balls. Seriously. Kelston was braver than the both of you combined."

"And look where she ended up," Alex argues.

"Well, at least she went down trying," I whisper back, motioning for them to move.

Brian and Alex shrug in agreement as we move quickly to the other building. I spot a sewer drain, look around, then nudge Justin. He nods. As the brawn of us, he quickly hauls the lid up, motioning for us to hurry. We oblige, climbing down quickly. Justin closes up behind us, and we slink through the tunnels quietly, trying to find some place to set up camp.

"Ugh, this place smells," Brian says, wrinkling his nose.

I roll my eyes, pulling out my flashlight and turning it on. "It's been unoccupied for nine years, Brian. Anything you're smelling is of your own accord."

Justin and Alex laugh, and I grin.

"So, we're staying here for the night?" Justin asks.

I nod. "Yup. Unless you have a problem with it."

Justin raises an eyebrow. "You'd make an exception for me?"

"Well, of course." I look at him, giving a sly smile. "I love you, after all."

The three boys choke on their spit, and I cackle.

"You're not serious, are you?" Justin asks. "Because, eh..." He rubs the back of his neck, looking uncomfortable.

I snort. "Me? In love with you? You wish, Jay. And for the record, no, we would not leave if you didn't want to stay here. We can't afford to leave tonight."

Justin breathes a sigh of relief, and we continue on until we find a space big and dry enough to set up camp.

"Brie, you're taking first watch," Alex declares as he slips into the warmth of his sleeping bag.

"Well, no shit, Sherlock," I scoff, pulling out my knife and a thick branch from my pack.

"You sure you don't want to rest?" Justin asks. "I can take first watch."

I lean against the wall, using the knife to scrape off the bark from the wood. "Nah. You get some rest. I'll wake you in an hour."

"Alright..." Justin sounds hesitant - something that seems thoroughly unlike him.

"Just..." I say softly, not looking up from my task. "Is there something wrong?"

Brian and Alex are already snoring.

"Uh... no. No, everything's fine. I'll, uh, just get some sleep."

This time I do glance over at him, frowning. "Justin?"

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