° Chapter 08 °

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This chapter is dedicated to oohzelle Unnie sorry if i can't text you, my phone got a problem cause i can't send a message to you. If its okay with you, your the first one to text me. Hope you like these chapter^^

P.S: 'This chapter will be Author's POV only:)'


Author's POV

Chanyeol woke up upon hearing his phone's ringing sound. He get it form the bedside table and answer the call without looking at the screen.



"Why did you call me Noona? Its early in the morning and your ruining my slumber"

[Shush. Just wanna tell you that you can have a day-off today. I know your the CEO so you can decide whether to go to work or not. But i tell you, take a rest first okay? Byeee]

"Wait Noona--"

*call ended*

Chanyeol groan. After waking him up, he'll just receive a senseless phone call from her sister? What a life. He look at his side and saw the sleeping face of his husband, i mean wife, whose arms were on his stomach while resting his head at his chest. He smile to himself

'Why do you have to be so gorgeus even when your sleeping? With saliva escaping your mouth?' Chanyeol said and chuckle at his thought

He carress Baekhyun's left cheek using his thumb and admire his partners beauty. Just when he was about to travel his hand and admire his wife's whole face, Baekhyun groan. Signalling that he's about to wake up.

Baekhyun open his eyes and smile after seeing Chanyeol's smiling face, looking down at him.

"Morning, Smurf" Chanyeol greet

"Morning, Yoda" Baekhyun greet back

The two look at each other before laughing lightly. Their still naked, the thick blanket is the only thing thay cover's them.

"Want a breakfast in bed?" Chanyeol smirk and wiggle his brows in a teasing way

Baekhyun hit gis chest lightly before giggling. "Enough. You didn't let ne sleep last night. And i'm still sore" he whine

Chanyeol chuckle. "I just can't resist you. Plus the fact that your mad at me last night" he sigh

Baekhyun look up at him through his lashes and scoff before lying on Chanyeol's chest again, looking at nothing in particular. "I'm just upset. Knowing that you agree on what your two weird friends have plan" Baekhyun said

Chabyeol lift Baekhyun's chin using his thumb and index finger, making Baekhyun look at him. "After what the twins told me last night, i regret agreeing to what they planned" he whisper

With knitted brows, Baekhyun ask. "What did the twins said?" He ask

Chanyeol sigh. "Those two. When me and my friends came here cause we thought you already went home, the wtins told me that if i make you cry...They'll hate me. I got shock though, those two are too smart in their age" he explain, shock audible in his voice

Baekhyun laugh. "Realky? Well, looks like the twins are my guards, huh?" He said while looking at Chanyeol with a smile

Chanyeol shook his head and lean in, their face an inch away. Just when he was about to kiss Baekhyun...

"Eomma, Appa-- Oh" Kieo said

The couple quickly pull away from each other and try to cover their naked bodies.

"H-hey, Baby Ki. W-what are you d-doing h-here?" Chanyeol nervously ask

"I was just about to say that Uncle Soo and Uncle Lu is downstairs. And their looking for Eomma" she explain. "Anyway, why is Eomma hiding behind you? And why are you cover with the blanket? Are you both cold?" She continously ask

"U-uhh..." Chanyeol stammered

"Of course not, Baby Ki. Appa is just lazy to get up" Baekhyun appeared behind Chanyeol, fully dressed in his pajama's and over-sized shirt.

Chanyeol look at Baekhyun witj a shpvk expression, but the brunet just look at him, like saying, "just get dress and i'll take care of Ki". Which he nodded and tries gis best to get dress under the blanket.

Baekhyun tried his best to walk normal, but failed, since he always ended up limping.

"Eomma, why are you walking like that?" Kieo innocently ask

Baekhyun awkwardly laugh. "Eomma just woke up right? That's why" he nervously said

"But you don't walk like that even when you just woke up" she continue to ask Baekhyun

Baekhyun smile and pinch her daughter's nose. "Your asking too much question's already. Go downstairs, i'll go after i wash up. Okay?" He said

Kieo nodded. "Okay" she answer and storm out of the room

"Why does she have to be so talkative?" Baekhyun mutter to himself

"Can't blame her, since she get that kind of attitude from you. Plus, you were really limping. Are you sure your okay? I mean, your sore and its obvious" Chanyeol said, chuckling while saying tje first sentences

The brunet roll his eyes. "All thanks to you that's why i'm limping. Psh" he scoff

The taller chuckle at the shorter's action. "Silly" he said and ruffle his wife's hair

"Anyway, let's go down now. After washing up" Baekhyun said and went inside the bathroom

Chanyeol just chuckle and shook his head and follow his wife inside the bathroom. After takibg a bath, the couple wear their clothes and walk downstairs. While walking on the stairs, they can hear the noises coming from their living room. So they quickly weny down, and was suprise to see the big mess on their living room.

"What happened here?" Baekhyun ask that caught the attention of evryone at the living room

Luhan and Kyungsoo turn around and smile at the new comers. "Morning!" the two greet

The kids stop playing and turn around. "Morning Uncle Baek and Uncle Yeol/Eomma and Appa!" Kyungin, Seunghan, Jongsoo and ChanBaek's twins greet them

ChanBaek smile abd greeted them back. Baekhyun's brows furrow. "Where's your husband's?" He ask upon realizing that his friends husbands aren't there

"They're inside the kitchen. Making breakfast, i think?" Luhan said, unsure.

Baekhyun's eyes grew wide. "hat?! Why did you let them there? They might end up ruining our kitchen" he gasp

Chanywol chuckle and held his wife from the waist. "Its fine. I'll go check them" he said and went inside the kitchen

Baekhyun, Luhan and Kyungsoo play with the kids while they're husband's cook their breakfast..


Word count: 1090

I cut this on purpose kkk~…Kkaebsong~
Anyway, hope you like this chapter, especially oohzelle unnie:D…Vote and Comment. Share your thoughts:). Godbless you all and thanks for reading!

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