° Chapter 12 {Pt. 02} °

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Author's POV

The six guys are still sitting on the couch. Thinking hard on what have they down wrong.

"Why do you think are they mad at us?" Sehun ask, breaking the silence

"I don't know. I can't think of any" Kai shrug

Chanyeol's frown is getting deeper. He doesn't wnat another arguementbwith Baekhyun, not on this kind of day.

"I think something's wrong?" Lay said, quite unsure

Kris and Chen nod their heads. Asking where their partners are? Well, they're inside the kid's playroom, joining their kids so they can calm themselves.

Chanyeol stands up that made thebother five look at him. "Let's go outside" he said and started walking

The others follow him and they stop in the middle of their walk upon seeing the setting on the backyard. Already set tables, chairs, banners and such. The boys gasp and look at each other with wide eyes.

"Shit" they all curse together

"So that's why they're mad at us. We forgot to do our work!" Chen exclaim

Kris nod. "And we didn't even help them" he said

"We slept 'till afternoon" Kai add

"Didn't help them do these" Lay said

"They finish it" Sehun said

"And they work hard on finishing OUR work" Chanyeol ended, repeating some of what the others said-_-

They all rush inside the house and look inside the playroom, but shock only to see their kids. Already dressed and are watching some cartoons. Chanyeol walk to his twin and sat infront of them.

"Babies, where's Eomma?" He ask

Kieo pout. "Eomma's mad. His forehead has a deep frown" she said

Chanyeol kiss her foreheaf before looking to Jieo. Whose arms are crossed on his chest and has a pout on his mouth.

Chanyeol gulp. "Uhm..Baby Jieo" he called

Jieo look at him. "Why is Eomma crying, Appa? Did you hurt him?" He innocently ask

Chanyeol sigh deeply, "Appa didn't mean to hurt Eomma..Now, can Jieo tell where Eomma is?" He ask

"Eomma's in your room" Jieo told him

Chanyeol smile and kiss the twins forehead before heading outisde and climbing the stairs. When he arrive outside their shared room, he heaves a sigh before opening the door. He saw his wife sitting at the edge of the bed, fully dressed and hands on his face. And just by observing him, Chanyeol can tell that his wife is crying. So he walk to him and hug him. That made Baekhyun stop sobbing.

"Sorry" Chanyeol whisper while still hugging Baekhyun

Baekhyun push him and glare at the taller. "Don't talk to me, Chanyeol" he sniff

Chanyeol sigh and walk up to Baekhyun, he sat beside him but didn't went near.

"I'm sorry if we overslept. I just lose track of time and didn't felt that its already afternoon..Baby please talk to me" Chanyeol said

Baekhyun look at him, dry tears on his cheeks. "Its the twins birthday Chanyeol! There's no time for being lazy! You told me that you want the best birthday for the twins, then what's the meanibg of these?!" He blurted out, tears running down his face again.

Chanyeol went near to Baekhyun and hug him. Baekhyun tried pushing Chanyeol but ended on giving up  Chanyeol's hug on him is really tight. Plus the taller is much stronger.

"I'm sorry. Please forgive me, Baby. I don't want that to happened" Chanyeol beg

Baekhyun pout and just shove Chanyeol light. "Just don't do it again. I'm gonna punch you for real if you do that again" he threat

Chanyeol just chuckle and kiss his wife's pout away. Then they decided to went outside since the party will be starting, of course after Chanyeol change his clothes.


The twin's party is starting. Visitors are continue coming, their friends and families are already here. Celebrating the kids 4th birthday together. Then, it's time for giving birthday wishes.for the twins. First to went up the stage is Daehyun and V.

"Hapoy Birthday to our niece and nephew. We only want to say that, the two of you will stay healthy and cute. Don't be a pain in the head to your parents" Daehyun and V said

Next up is Baekhyun's Mom and Dad. "Happy Birthday to our two lovely grandchilds. Your Mama Chae and Papa Hyun will always love you. Always be a lovable and cheerful kid, don't change. And never forget to pray. We love you" they said

Next is Chanyeol's Mom and Dad. "Happy 4th birthday Jieo and Kieo! Papa Chan and Mama Jae will always love and support you. I just hope your parents will give you a sibling, soon, since we're not getting any younger. Same goes to your parents. I just wish that the two of you will grow healthy" they said, some of them laugh because of their wish to Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

Next to give them wishes is Baekhyun and Chanyeol's friends. The party went well, everyone have fun because of the kids hyper attitude. Then, they all settle on staying inside the house to open the twins gifts when the visitors already left. Yoora isn't in Korea so she promise to give the twin's gift when she arrive. Dara and Jiyong are both in China.

After opening the gifts, Baekhyun and Chanyeol's friends bid goodbye and left the house. Baekhyun tuck the twins to bed before leaving the room and sleeping as well....


Word count: 908

Chapter done. Sorry for the lame and short update...

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