° Chapter 14 °

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First POV of Park Hyun Yeol, or we know as Jieo. Dedicated to EXOBaekYeolShipper. Hope you like this chapter, keep leaving comments on Book 1, i really appreciate it:)


Hyun Yeol/Jieo's POV

After Kieo and i walk Jesper to his class, we started walking to our class. While walking, i heard my twin sigh. So i look at her.

"Do you have a problem? Why are you sighing?" I ask, curious plastered on my face

She shook her head, "Nothing" she said and smile

I lift my brow. "I don't believe you" i said

She look at me and smile widely. "Seriously, oppa, i'm fine" she said and laugh a bit

I sigh and just drop the topic off, i know she won't tell me even if i force her. "Stop calling me oppa. I already told you that, were twins, we share the same age. Why call me oppa" i scold her

She scoff. "Your still older" she roll her eyes

I shook my head and continue walking. There's a silence between us. Not until...

"Hey Jieo oppa and Ki unnie!" A beaming Kyungin walk to us

Ki look at her. "Waaah! Your too noisy Kyungin" she say

Kyungin shook her haid and pout. "Can't the two of you be happy? Atleats there's someone to stop the silence that are starting to build between the two of you" she scoff

"Where's your brother?" I ask

"Jongsoo? I don't know. Maybe with Seunghan" she shrug

We enter the our class and saw Seunghan sitting on his chair while reading a book. Were in the same class.

"I thought Seunghan's with Jongsoo?" Kieo ask while looking at Seunghan whose reading a book

Kyungin shrug. "I don't know where he is. But we went to school together" she state

I walk to my seat and sat down. Seunghan lift his head and saw me. He stand up and smile before we do our brother hug.

"Hey, bro" he said

"Hey" i greet

Seunghan is my best friend. Aside from my twin sister and parents. Seunghan is my best of friends.

"Min Dae's still not yet here?" I ask

Seunghan shook his head. "She's not. I was the first one to arrive here though, and its kind of boring" he shrug

Kieo scoff, "But you love reading books. And your not getting bored reading them, you once told me that books ifs your friend"

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