° Chapter 19 °

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After two months...

Jieo's POV

It's been two months. Why is time so fast? I just hope i can stop time, so i can savor the time i have with my parents and friends. Tch.

Anyway, many thing's happened in those two months that passed. We also knew that Mom is pregnant again, they told us that after the day we got home from school. And, Prom Night is getting nearer and nearer as time passes by.

I'm at the couch in our living room while playing XBOX with Jesper when Kieo came in sight, eyes a bit dark. We don't have classes by the way. What happened to this girl?

"Hey, twin. What happened to you?" I ask, face still focus on the game but my voice full of worry.

I heard her sigh, so i put the XBOX down and face Jesper. "I'll be talking to your noona first, okay? Just continue playing" i said and he just nod his head, murmuring a simple Okay, hyung.

I stand up and sat beside Kieo whose sitting on the stool on our kitchen counter. She really looks wasted.

"Now, tell me what happened" i said

She sigh before looking at my side,  "I was just wandering last night. Cause, remember when Mom told us that we have to study in China?" Oh.

I remember that though, they told us that in front of our Uncle's and friends/cousins. It's the time where Mom told us one afternoon that Kieo and I have to study in China. This is what happened...


The Park's twin and Jesper were on there way home, Jieo recieved a text from his Mom that he will not be able to fetch them, so they just have to walk from school to their house.

"I wonder why Mom didn't fetch us today?" Kieo suddenly blurted while looking from afar

"Yeah. I mean, it was always once when he can't fetch us" Jieo agree

"Noona, hyung, don't you remember that Eomma is pregnant? Maybe he's trying hard to move or walk or something" Jesper innocently says

Jieo chuckle and ruffle his younger brother's hair. "Jesper, Mom is only one and a half month pregnant. His stomach isn't yet that big" he explains

"Oh" is only Jesper's reply

Kieo just laugh at the two. They reach their house and enter inside. They were shock when they saw their Dad with their Uncle's and their kids.

"We're home!" The thre  of them exclaim with a smile

All of the person's inside the house turn to them and smile back. Some of the walking to the three, especially their friends/cousins

Loving You Book 2 (ChanBaek Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now