° Chapter 13 °

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Dedicated to BabyBaekkieSmurf4. Thank you for voting and supporting my story. I Hope you like this chapter. Enjoy!


After 10 years...

Baekhyun's POV

Cooking breakfast is what i won't get tired of doing for my family. After 10 years of being kids, Jieo and Kieo already grew up as officially teenagers. How i missntgose times where they always play and mess up the whole living room, memories.

After setting the foods to plate, i heard footsteps coming from upstairs. So i smile to myself. My family is here.

"Morning, Mom"

"Morning, Mom"

"Morning, baby"

My three love ones greet me after entering the kitchen.

"Good morning" I greeted back with a smile

Suddenly, a hand was tugging my shirt. I look down and saw my youngest son, Jesper, looking at me. I gave birth to Jesper after the twins turned 11, and now, he's 5 year old kid.

I carry him up and kiss his cheeks. "Morning, Baby Jesper" i said and smile at him

"Morning, Eomma" he cutely said

I slightly pinch his nose before sitting on the chair next to Chanyeol, and putting Jesper on his chair, which is next to me. We started eating when Chanyeol open up a conversation.

"Kieo and Jieo, how's school going?" He ask

Jieo swallow his food first, "Its fine, Dad. As always, Ki and i are on the list of top pupils" he cooly said

Jieo already changed. From being the childish and playful Jieo, to matured, cold and Chanyeol-like Jieo. But he's somewhat coming back from being yhe childish and crazy kid he is when he's here at home. While Kieo, well, she never did really change. Just the fact that she became a little bit boyish.

"Well, that's good. Anything you want as a reward?" Chanyeol ask

I glare at him after feeding Jesper a spoon. "Chanyeol" i said in my warning tone

He look at me with a shock expression, "What? I'm just asking the twins" he said

"Dad, Ji oppa and i really don't need any material things as a reward everytime we're one of the top pupils" Kieo told his Dad after swallowing his food, Kieo loves calling his twin Oppa even if they share the same age

Chanyeol sigh. "Fine. Just don't forget to ask me nor your Mom for something" he reminds

The two nods their heads before continue eating their food. Once were all done, i told them to get ready as they will be going to school. Today is Jesper's first day, so he's kind'a nervous.

After washing the dishes, i wipe my hands before walking out the kitchen. I walk up the stairs and walk down the hallways of the house, and walking to the Master's bedroom. I went inside and saw Chanyeol wearing his office suit, i walk to him and made him face me.

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