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"Kyaa" I let out a small shriek as I have to hit a shuttlecock away from my face.
"Isn't this meant to be the tennis club?" I yell at Kanae who nods her head vigorously.
"Meant to be, being the key phrase" Yuri sighs from the corner. Walking over to her I swing my arm over her shoulder. Looking at each other we nod, agreeing with each others thoughts of the insanity of this strange club.
"I know the pain hun" I pat her head and she bursts into tears, wrapping me in a massive hug.

"Get it off please" I push at Kanae's head as she decides this is a group hug. I feel an odd tugging.
"Kanae, get Kanae off, not my underwear Marimo" I scream at the blue haired panty fiend. Ignoring my cries Marimo wears our underwear as hats. Wait a moment, how did she get all our underwear?
"MARIMO" We scream as we reclaim our stolen items. Tying her to a post we exit the tennis court. Marimo calls after us.
"She can suffer" Yuri says.

Suddenly I trip over a girl photographing a bettle battle.
"Sorry, are you OK?" The pigtailed girl asks.
"Seriously, Udonko, stop taking weird photos" I sigh as I adjust my glasses.
"Want some Udon?" She asks as she unwillingly drags us all to her father's weird bowling alley of Udon.
"I don't think I have a choice in the matter" I munch on the food.

"You could eat at my place" Nasuno pops her head up.
"Your dad is the KFC colonel... Do I get a bag of secret seasoning?" Sarcasm drips from my voice.
"Sure" She shoves a bag in my hand and laughs. Sweat dropping I get up and walk out of the bowling alley.
"HEY, where are you going?" Nasuno yells after me.

"Anywhere but here" I sigh. The girls look at me confused.
"OK, for one you guys talk way to fast, this is meant to be a bloody tennis club and there is an alien over there" I scream, stomping away into my portal. So weird.


And so we have an update, by the way if you didn't know a shuttlecock is the thing you hit in badminton, I think other countries call it a birdie. Teekyuu is pointless yet I kept watching... it was weird and they talk to fast but I liked it.

I know I said I would update more this year, I thought I was getting on top of life but we'll no... It got more hectic than ever so excuse me :3.

Also I ummmm. .... Have enough suggestions.... I appreciate them but bruh, I have so many. Till next time, comment and vote, love you all.


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