Death Note

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“Light, you have a visitor” Lights mother calls up to him.

“Send them up” he yells back. I hear shuffling noises and draws closing. I look into my bag and smile, I just knocked Misa out and stole her Death note. Score and she had it coming with all the ‘OMG I’m so in love with him’ crap, it’s rather annoying.

“Fan girls” I sigh!

“What was that dear?” asks his mother?

“Oh nothing, just muttering to myself” I give her a fake smile.

I push open Lights door.

“You two don’t be getting into any mischief” says his mother as she shuts the door behind her.

“You must be Misa” he says.

“Incorrect” I say waving a hand “No, I just stole her death note” I smile evilly.

“Um ok” he replies shocked.

“So can I see your note or what?” I ask pulling mine out.

“Sure just turn around for a bit” he instructs.

“It’s in your draw under a fake bottom you made to hide it” I point out.

“How…How did you?” he stutters.

“I just know stuff”

He pulls out his book and passes it to me as I pass him mine.

“Hey Ryuk” I say waving and passing him an apple.

“Hey, thanks” he says biting into the bright red fruit.

“Shinigamis love apples”

“Thank you miss” Ryuk thanks me.

“It’s Katy and you’re welcome”

“Oh and I know who L is” I say biting into an apple of my own.

“WHAT?” Light yells.

I sit down on Lights bed.

“It’s Ryuzaki, am I right?” I say grinning.

Light pushes me down on his bed.

“Kinky” I say.

“No jokes, what else do you know?” he says through gritted teeth.

“But it was just starting to get fun” I pout.

“I said no jokes” he growls leaning closer in a threatening gesture.

“L dies and then his apprentices will come after you but you will take L’s name and become him since he asks oh and you die” I giggle psychotically.

“Of course I could help you since in know what’s going to happen” I point out.

“You’re psychic?”

“No, I’m psychotic” I joke.

“What do you want?” he asks.

I smile.

“Hmmm well first you have to trust me and second I think I want a kiss” I say.

“Fine” he says leaning closer.

“Ready?” he asks.

“As I’ll ever be”. He leans in and plants a kiss on my lips just as his bedroom door opens.

Ryuk laughs at this scene of confusion.

Light looks shocked as does his mother and father.

His parents perceive the scene as him holding me down while in truth we all know what is actually happening. I’m just a threat to him.

“What’s going on here Light?” his father asks.

Creating a ring on my finger I look up at them.

“Well I’m actually Lights fiancée” I say showing them the ring.

“When did this happen?” they ask in unison.

“Well I met her at university and that’s all you need to know” he says closing the door in their faces.

“Nice save” says Ryuk.

“What was all that?” Light asks.

“Quick thinking”


Yeah hope you liked it. I’m not even old enough to get married but yeah that was my quick thinking plan. I gotta death note wooooo now I can get my revenge mwa hahahahaha. Ok I’ve calmed down.

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