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Camila lets out a puff of breath as she gently settled Lauren face down on the queen bed, plopping down atop of it as well and lets out a sigh of content as the soft mattress collided with her tired body, while leaving a decent amount of space between them.

The sight she was greeted with upon opening the curtain wasn't very pleasant, but much to her relief, Lauren seemed to be uninjured, although looked sickly, after basically spilling out her guts on the toilet bowl. If Lauren wasn't so drunk, Camila doubted she'd even lay a finger of the filthy floor because despite the fact that it looked clean, Lauren would never risk it.

Lifting Lauren up was not at all an easy job for her, it was almost impossible for Camila to succeed in doing so without hurting either of them. With a hand eye coordination of a penguin, Camila was so sure they wouldn't even make it half way towards the door with how much she struggled. Lauren not cooperating made matters worse for the small Latina.

However, the universe seemed to be with her this time around and Camila was about to get them both to take a rest on an empty bedroom across the bathroom, because Camila was so sure she'll get them both to land on a hospital if she were to continue down the staircase.

Camila had tried asking Lauren what had happened before got there, too, but it had only fell on deaf ears (not that she was expecting a reply anyway, Lauren's mind still seemed to be in the clouds and Camila knew she wouldn't get any answers from a shit faced Lauren)

"Mmh," Lauren hummed, causing Camila to shift her gaze on her with a curious glint in her eyes. Lauren must've fallen asleep the whole time Camila was preoccupied with her thoughts and Camila really didn't want to be the one to wake her up from her peaceful state.

Besides, this was the only time she could stare at her freely without possibly getting weird looks from her, as creepy as that sounds, although she doubted it considering Lauren seemed to be completely oblivious with her feelings because otherwise, Lauren would've left her as soon as she had learned about that.

And Camila hoped she wouldn't.

Camila slightly tensed up feeling arms snake itself around her waist and the scent of alcohol lingering in her senses as Lauren cuddled up into her side, but relaxed as soon as she realized Lauren was still fast asleep but that didn't stop the butterflies from going ballistic in her tummy.

Camila watched as Lauren mumbled out incoherent words in her sleep, her eyebrows slightly furrowed and a slight pout on her lips. Must be a bad dream.

Camila mindlessly played with Lauren's hair and observed the way Lauren had relaxed under her touch as a small content smile crawled onto her lips, her grip on her slightly tightening. Camila would've missed it all if wasn't for the fact that she had her intent eyes glued on the girl, and she wondered what Lauren was dreaming at the moment.

Camila would have loved to stay in this position longer, but she realized where they still were and tried to wiggled herself out of Lauren's hold so she could reach for her phone, all the while trying not to wake her up.

Which she failed at doing so, unfortunately.

"Stop." Lauren mumbled out and groaned, pulling Camila's body closer to her own if possible and Camila felt her cheeks flush a burgundy hue when Lauren's fingertips brushed her side, against her exposed skin, her shirt having ridden up from the constant movements.

The music downstairs turned into a soft hum, and the only sound in the room that reached Camila's ears was the sound of Lauren's soft breathing — and perhaps, the harsh beating of her heart as well that she started to think Lauren could probably hear it too, due to their very close proximity.

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