chapter 7: truth or dARE

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Chapter 7 : truth or dare

Happy: hey Natsu I'm bored

Lucy: me too

All: us too

Natsu :(•I•) what do you want me to do about it I'm bored too

Sting: then go back to your guild

Minerva : their guild is under reconstruction

Ezra: {º ^ º} I have an idea let's play a game

Mira: what game


All: okay

( sitting arrangement in a circle)

Natsu Lucy happy Carla Lilly Levi Gajeel Juvia Gray Cana freed Laxus bixlow lissana Alex rouge sting Yukino Minerva Ezra jallal Wendy romeo Frosch Lector elfman evergreen mira lo and niall ( those two in saibertooth the one that uses God slayer magic has green hair and the one that can predict your moves and stuff I don't remember their names though so lo for God slayer and niall for predicter ).

Let's begin

Ezra: this truth or dare is fairy tail style so saibertooth you have to go with it so you only have I truth each and if you waist it that's the end of it you spin the bottle who ever the top points you get to dare anyone you wish and the punishment is strip naked and dance gandam style

All: " gasp"

Sting; how do you cope with Ezra in your guild

Lucy; we manage to the thing is that we cannot even dare to defy her it's like laying your own death bed

Ezra: let's begin ( spins bottle ) ha and it lands

All: this is gonna end horribly

Ezra: I dare Gajeel to give levy a nice thirty seconds kiss not just a normal one but with the tongue and everything

All: {'|''|ºoº''|}

Gajeel: are you mad

Levi: yeah are you

Ezra: it's like you both want to dance in the nude

Gajeel& Levi: no well do it

Gray; this is hilarious

Ezra: one two three go

( after the thirty seconds smooch )

Girls: aww so cute it's Gale

Spin the bottle

( after like thirty minutes of intense and horny game of truth and dare)

Ezra: that was hilarious

Natsu: it's me again hmmmm okay lisanna pick someone and have a battle with them an intense one

All: that is the most sensible dare since we started this game

Lisanna: okay hmmm who should I pick oh I know you Alex

Alex: what wait no

Ezra: would you like to dance in the nude

Alex: no but I'm not

Rouge: oh you'll be fine your a dragon slayer you can beat any shapeshifter okay

Alex: okay 

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