chapter 8 : the big fight

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The big fight

Lisanna : so if there is nothing wrong you will battle me virgin tomorrow at the battle station if I win I get to expose your secret and you do whatever I ask you to do for the next six month and if you win you get to choose my punishment

Alex: your shit you know that

Lisanna : thanks for the compliment

Alex : you uhh ( leaves the room angrily)

Rouge: hey alex alex wait up frosch lets go

Frosch: okay

( later)

Gajeel: lisanna what in mavis name was that you bitch

Lisanna: calm down gajeel you will find out soon enough okay just know the whole magnolia will be watching k

( in rouges room )

Rouge: alex whats wrong talk to me

Alex: shut up and leave me alone

Rouge : no learn to share your problems

Frosch: fro thinks so too

Alex: like you do the same

Rouge : I do, at least to frosch I do

Frosch: yes he does

Alex: [ starts to tear up and falls on rouges chest] promise you will not tell anyone even my brother promise

Rouge: promise

Alex: when I told them how I started dressing like a boy I lied to them the truth is there was a time when I was travelling someone asked me to join their guild but I forgot his name though he asked me to join their guild but I declined that was after I saved a town from some gang that was terrorizing them they gave me the nick name the thunder of the sky so that day was when the guy asked I declined he kept asking me to join so one day I went for a drink and I saw him he told me to hear him out I accepted he orderd me a drink [starts to cry] then the drink was drugged and I didnt know before I knew I saw four men come to Take me away [ starts to cry] next day *sob* I found myself naked and on the wall they wrote thanks for the power and your body I was devastated blood, I saw blood rouge my legs hurt then the next day I was chasing a bad guy I tried to use my lightning magic but it didn't work on him but on me for like a year it did that and now I cant use my dragon slayer magic because my original power is broken

Rouge: don't cry [ hugs her] it will be okay

Frosch: fro thinks so too

Alex: pls don't tell anyone I beg you ( starts to doze of )

Frosch: she slept off she must have been really tiered

Rouge :yeah . come out who ever it is it is un wise off you to hide in the shadows away from the master of shadows

Erza: is that what happened to her

Gajeel: I cant believe it she endured it for that long on her own

Natsu: so what are we gonna do about the battle tomorrow should she just forfit the battle

Lucy: I don't know

Gray: is she the type to forfit a match

Juvia: hmm

Levy: what will she do

Gajeel: forget the idea of her forfitting even though I haven't known my sister for a long time I know she cant ever give up she obviously came from the same parent so she cant

Erza: lets wait for tomorrow and see if the battle will be epic

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