Untitled Part 13

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Chapter 12: apologies and birthdays

Lisanna: uhm hello everyone

Guild: Lisanna woo

Lisanna: my birthday is coming up so I was wondering if you could attend at the wonder park

Guild: of course

Lisanna: thanks love you all

Gajeel: her birthday huh , Alex birthday is coming up too

Levy; when

Gajeel: in two days

Natsu: that's also Lisannas birthday

Gajeel: I remember last year's own

Lucy: ever since that night I haven't seen Alex and rouge together hope they are alright

Ezra: I met with that Jay guy he said someone by someone Lisanna asked him to do it

Gray: I don't get the feud between lissana and Alex

Juvia: Juvia too

Gajeel: hey it's your birthday soon

Alex: I'm not celebrating it

Levy: how old will you be

Alex: 19

Lu cy: wow your gonna be an adult

Alex: there is nothing good about it

Ezra: I see you have gone back to your former mode of dressing

Alex: yes . I'm going to saibertooth

Natsu: to talk to rouge

Alex: yes


Alex:hey is rouge around

Sting : hey Alex I can see your spirits to hasn't lifted

Minerva: he'll forgive you don't worry he's in his room

Yukino: yeah it'll be alright

Alex: thanks guys

(In rouges room)

Alex: hey rouge I'm coming in

Rouge: hmm

Alex: hey rouge

Rouge: what do you want

Alex: my birthday is coming up and I'm not celebrating it so I just wanted to spend time with you and all and we can go to my house and eat cake and play games it'll be fun

Rouge: no I'm not coming forget it

Alex: pls re think it I'll be waiting for you at the magic plaza at 3:30 pm okay

Rouge: I said I'm not coming!!

Alex: ill still be waiting okay

Rouge: just go , go away

( leaves room )

Alex: ( starts to cry)

Sting: hey Alex are you okay

Alex: I'm leaving now

Sting : rouge what the bell is your problem do break her

Rouge: I don't care ,you know it's gonna be her birthday soon so I want you to meet her and apologize okay

Rouge: I'll think about it

Sting: now dude take a shower you stink you have been sobbing for like three days now

Rouge: get out

( later)

Lisanna: Alex are you alright

Alex: get away from me

Lisanna: hahaha mind your place in this world

Alex: I hate you 

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