Untitled Part 15

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Chapter 15 : talent time

Alex pov

As I walked into the guild I was jumped by

Lucy: hey Alex are you entering the talent show

Alex: what talent show

Levy: magnolia organizes a talent show every year and the winner gets to be king and queen till the next year

Alex: so you have to be a two person show

Juvia: not exactly they will pick both male and female but if you are in a duet it's perfect cause you have a chance of winning and at the end you get to be in sorcerer weekly I hope me and Gray sama get picked to be king and queen.

Levy: why don't you and rouge enter as a pair

Alex: hmmmm does rouge even...... ah guys come I have a secrete to tell you rouge can sing

Lucy: wow your going outta your mind

Juvia: maybe it's a different rouge

Levy: yeah for starters I thought you meant your rouge

Alex: of course I meant him who else really I heard him sing one time I forgot bag in his room and he was taking a shower I heard him sing drag me down by one direction ( I know one direction can't be in fairy tail still ) and be was freakishly good

Juvia: did you record it

Alex: no my phone got stolen from me I need to get another one

Lucy: back to rouge there is no way he can

Sting: actually he can

Girls: ahh are you crazy you almost gave us a heart attack

Yukino: it's true actually I heard him three days ago

Sting: I've heard him a couple of times

Rouge: what you guys talking about

All: wahhhh

Lucy: now you know how we felt

Rouge: hey Alex I got you a new phone since your phone got stolen it's a new model

Alex: what seriously you don't have to go through that much trouble I could have bought one my self it was my fault it got stolen

Rouge: and if I had done that what kind of boy friend will I be huh ( kisses her chick ) okay

Lucy: that was so adorable

Levy: I know omg

Juvia: ahhh so cute

Yukino: what a cute couple

Lucy: have you two had your first kiss together

Alex: hmmm no not yet

Girls: what are you crazy

Rouge: no I don't think so

Girls: kiss her now

Rouge&Alex: not gonna happen

Alex: hey rouge can I ask a question

Rouge : sure

Alex: will you do the talent stuff with me

Rouge: hmmm sure

Alex: really thanks

Rouge: yeah and in return you go on a job with me

Alex: eh is that really possible

Lucy: hmm I think so

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