Chapter 11:

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Chapter 11: confession and costume parties

Alex: well..........

Girls: well what??

Alex: I never told you I liked him as in love him though so I don't know where you got that idea from but if I were to say ..... I'll say that I like rouge because we are different and yet we understand each other so much when two people in a relationship are different they tend to want to know more about the other party and sticks to them they are compatible but different rouge has a smile that always lifts my spirit we don't act alike I mean he is the calm quiet bad boy type and I'm the upbeat noisy bad girl so it's like fitting two different pieces of a puzzle , you cant fix the same type of a puzzle on the same type it won't go but us we go . I'm not sure if rouge really loves me but if he does ill be grateful

Girls: that was so sweet!

Ezra: Alex *sob* your so sweet

Lucy : why don't you try telling him how you feel I mean it's obvious he likes you

Levy: yeah if your lucky you can well you know

Alex: you know what (^_^')

Minerva; Alex have you kissed anyone before ?

Alex: uhh........... no I haven't

Girls: what omg tomorrow we must make you irresistible he must give you that kiss tomorrow

Alex: pls don't do this


Gray: hey rouge have you asked her out

Rouge: who

Gray: you know Alex

Gajeel: you wanna ask my sister out

Rouge: yes

Natsu: wow you have got taste

Jallal: I've. It really met with her yet so I really don't k.ow her

Gray: men that girl 's awesome

Rouge: I know right it's like she was made for me

Natsu : why don't you ask her out tomorrow during the party huh

Rouge: I don't know

Sting: guys are you sure you wanna leave it to rouge I mean he hasn't even had his first kiss yet you know

All: what!!!

Gajeel: this is hilarious

Jallal : wow serious

Natsu: I can't believe it so this also means your

Gray: your a virgin both of you

Rouge: it's not like you all arent virgin

Gajeel: had sex with levy not to long ago

Natsu: same

Gray: we did in a hotel not long ago

Sting: last night men

Rouge: what you all are ruining my innocence

Gajeel: said the pervet who was looking up my sister's skirt

Sting: tell me what was the color hurry talk

Rouge : black lace ( shy voice)

Gray: dam that is sexy

Gajeel: fuck off


Alex: oh hey rouge you know the costume party tomorrow would

Rouge: to go with you sure I would we could both wear Frosch costumes

Alex: huh thanks :3

Rouge: I wanted to ask you something tomorrow will you meet me on the back porch

Alex: sure

~time skip (lazy ass me)~

Lisanna: hey Mira nice happy costume

Mira: your Carla outfit is great

Ezra: wow Lisanna your costume is pretty neat you too Mira

Lucy: hey guys what you think about my outfit

Juvia: it's almost as pretty as mine

Lucy: how rude

Alex: hey guys what you think

Girls: omg it's so cute

Lisanna: in your dreams a hobo in a cat suit looks better

Alex: thanks for the compliment if you'll excuse me , hey guys rouge asked me to meet him on the back porch he wants to ask me question

Levy: maybe he wants to ask you out

Ezra: he does go now

Lucy: good luck

Juvia: Juvia is routing for the rolex ship

Alex: thanks bye

~ meanwhile ~

Lisanna: hey Jay I need to ask you a favour

Jay: what's up

Lisanna: I need you to shape shift into rouge

Jay: why

Lisanna: just do as I say and ill pay you

Jay : I'm listening

~ later~

Alex: hey rouge

Rouge: hey Alex

Alex: so what was it you wanted to ask me ( rouge raps his hands around her waist and starts to kiss her neck) hmmm Nunn stop it stop it rouge

Rouge: aww Alex let's have fun

Alex: stop stop it

Rouge 2: Alex !!

Alex: rouge ( now seeing two rouges )

Rouge 1: who are you

Alex: what who are you

Rouge: oh sorry I didn't know you where going out with Jay

Alex: wait who is Jay

Jay: you forgot me how mean

Alex: what the rouge it's not what you think I mean.......

Rouge: stop it's okay you didn't have to lie explain yourself

Alex: wait rouge

Rouge: I never want to see you near Frosch me or my guild got it

Alex: rouge ( starts to cry) rouge wait

Rouge: excuse me

~ meanwhile~

Natsu: haha nice princess

Gray: flame brain

Gajeel: oi rouge how did it go

Rouge: let me be

Jallal: what happened

Sting: hey bro you alright

Rouge: I'm going home

( leaves)

Gajeel: girls go check on her

Ezra: sure

~ on getting there~

Alex: ill kill you ( strangles the guy)

Ezra: Alex stop this now

Alex: who sent you

Jay: "fuck you girl" that was the message

Alex: Lisanna she is gonna pay

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