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OMG... NEW CHAPTER  OF NWTBB sorry about the mistakes)

Chapter 12

I couldn’t move. I couldn’t talk. I was awestruck; I could only watch.

Mike’s hand swung, and as my mind was chanting: he’s going to hit Charles; he’s going to hit Charles, his fist took an unexpected turn and gripped the front of Charles’ shirt tightly. “You don’t ever, and I mean ever touch a girl like that when she says stop, especially not my best friend, and if I ever see you touching another girl—any girl—like that again… I swear, I will hunt you down and kill you,” Mike said slowly, dangerously. He was scaring me, terrifying me. His eyes were narrowed, his jaw was clenched, and you could see the slight tick of his head, something that I had only seen Mike do when he was mad—though this time it was bad, really bad, which meant that he was angry, angry—not just… mad.

Charles’ blue eyes searched Mike’s face before nodding quickly, as if too scared to talk.

“Good,” Mike said with an evil smile, “now, shoo.” He pushed him back lightly yet sturdily and then let go, and Charles scurried away.

“Are you okay?” Mike and Kayden asked at the same time—their voice soft and caring, and as I looked behind me, accidently meeting Kayden’s hypnotizing black eyes, a sudden wariness overtook my body and I fell to the ground, my hands face down on the floor and my head tilted south, tears streaming down my face.

“No,” I said through a sob. “No, I’m not okay.” I had finally admitted it, intoxicated but sober at the same time. And it felt good to tell the truth, to say what I really felt. It was different.

“I’ll take her to my car,” a familiar voice said, one that sounded a lot like Kayden’s—though I wasn’t positive. I felt an arm curve around my back and another arm scoop under my knees, hauling me off of the ground. I cried into the warm chest, letting all of my anger and sadness and worry and anxiety out, crying for anything and everything. 

No,” I heard Mike snap. “I’ll take her.” I felt myself being jerked slightly, and I gripped onto the cottony shirt, my back shaking as sobs escaped my lips.

“I live next door, man! She needs to go home… I’m the quickest way. Have some fun,” Kayden said, but what he had said was sort of a lie. He hadn’t moved in yet; he wouldn’t be moving in until tomorrow, though in a way, he was partially correct about being my neighbor.

I felt something soft swipe over my face, erasing several droplets of tears. “I can’t even think about fun when she’s in this kind of state,” he, who I though was Mike, whispered, and I felt like looking up, finding out if my assumption was correct—even though I knew that it was—but I didn’t. I was too tired, too tearful, too heartbroken, and too intoxicated.

And I fell asleep, snoring against the warm, comforting chest that belonged to Kayden Maxwell.

I felt myself being shaken, though I refused to awaken. I groaned, and snuggled into the hard object that I had been using for a pillow. “Elyse, wake up. We’re at your house,” a familiar voice said, though because of my hazy (and slightly intoxicated) condition, I couldn’t quite make out the actual voice.

“No,” I moaned as I curled myself up into a ball, shaking slightly.

“You’re freezing,” the voice said again as they put a soft, cozy cloth over my body. “Come on, Elyse. You have to go inside. It’s cold, you’re drunk, and you need to sleep… somewhere comfy, and your parents are probably worried.” Their effort was good, but not good enough. They sighed. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for being so snappy and mean and rude… and grouchy. I don’t expect you to forgive me, and I don’t really want to forgive you for pushing your way into my life, trying to get into my business… But because I’m so tired, I don’t really feel mad, so I won’t yell; I’ll just talk. And because you probably won’t remember this anytime soon, it’s okay. I kind of trust you… But, I swear, if you do remember this and you tell someone… I will hurt you.

“Anyway, yeah, I’m bipolar… It’s not really bad, like to the point where you break anything you see—but it is bad; I feel like I just want to punch someone over and over and over again… Sometimes until everything is broken; other times until they can’t breathe. But the difference is, I won’t do that. I’m too human, too nice, you could say. I would die if I ever hurt someone really bad, like if I hurt them so bad that they would be in a hospital. I can sometimes control my disorder, but it’s hard. It hurts to, and I know that I should get medicine for it, and I had been taking it for a while, but my emotions and thoughts are worse when I’m actually taking something to “cool down” my attitude… to a point where I have suicidal thoughts.” He sighed again, and this time I was awake: my eyes were wide with worry and my breathing was slightly ragged. I didn’t know if I was still as drunk as I was before, but I knew I was still a little intoxicated, though my head was pounding too much and my brain was jumbled with a thousand thoughts about Kayden, and I just didn’t care if my commonsense was a little unstable at the moment.

“I know I don’t know you, at least not very well. I’ve only know you for, like, a week or two… but I feel that I can trust you. Not to the point where I would deliver you my whole story, but to the point where I could be your friend. And that may take a long while, but I think we can do it, and I may say things, some pretty dumbass things, but don’t give up on me, Elyse… Not like everyone else in my life. I just—“Before he could finish what he was about to say, my back snapped up and I had my arms looped around his neck.

“I won’t, I promise,” I whispered into his ear, surprising the both of us.

“W-Were you awake this whole time?” Kayden asked nervously.

I chuckled lightly. “Kind of… not really?”

“’Kind of, not really?’ What does that even me?”

“I was awake for the important part.”

“What’s the important part?” he gulped.

“When I found out that you forgave me, trust me, and want to be my friend.”

“And what do you say about all of that?”

“I want us to be friends, too… Good friends. I want to trust you; I want you to trust me. And I want you to know that I won’t leave, that I would never share your secret about you being bipolar… I want you to know that I will always be there, right by your side.”

“Forever?” He pulled back, his dark eyes looking into my own. He was nervous, scared, and curious.

“Forever,” I whispered, and pulled him back into a hug. 



Like? Not like? Surprised? Not surprised? More surprising and intense things are coming... Don't forget about Mike! 



Love you all, 


P.S. I made this today... in just a day, so it may not be very well-though out. :) 


Super small side note:

Omg (I don't say that much, but it's better than spelling out Oh my gosh, cause that takes FOEVA. I'm LAZY... lol), I can't believe I have, like, 600 readers! To me, that's amazing! Cause I love to write, and to see that you guys (I hope, if I have those readers who kind of stick with WTHBB) are still liking NWTBB and continuing to read this book, and even though I don't get A LOT of comments or votes, which I don't really care about, to see the reads piling up is enough to know that you guys like it. Though votes and comments are always appreciated... lol. But I don't really care about that!

So, anyway, thank you so, so, so much--to both the newcomers and regulars :)

Love you all,

Brianna<3 (and sorry if the cover confuses you; my real name is Charlotte, but Brianna is my middle name, and I like that name a little bitter, but I go by Charlie sometimes, so that's why the name is like that:)

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