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~not edited, sorry if it sucks

Chapter 20

Laughing and giggling, we pecked one another’s lips, played with each other’s hair, and acted in a way as if to imply we were more than just friends—we were a couple.  Kayden’s forehead was leant against mine, our eyes connected. To many, it would appear as though we were gazing into the other’s eyes, and in the process looking into one another’s soul. Though that wasn’t true, at least not for me, I was attempting to decipher what color Kayden’s eyes really were.

It had irked me. How could these orbs be so dark, so mysterious? Not many eyes held this vibe, but Kayden’s did. They were close to being black, the shade of the midnight sky, but how was that even possible? People, at least not the ones I knew, with an exception to Kayden, didn’t possess black eyes—no one did. Most of the time they were either a dark brown or a vibrant blue. Kayden’s eyes held splashes of navy, that was correct, and maybe they were a dark brown, but they had to be black, no other color fit the exact description of his eye tone.

I sighed, biting my lip, in a rough debate. “Kayden,” I said hesitantly, “what’s your eye color?” To him, because he laughed, it was apparently a joke—but I was serious, utterly serious. I smacked Kayden’s arm, angered by his reaction. “I’m not kidding.” I crossed my arms over my chest, curling my lips into a snarl.

Kayden chuckled a little more, amused, and he said, “I think they’re brown. A really dark brown. I don’t know. Sometimes they look blue; other times black. Maybe even green. It’s hard to figure out.” He shrugged, wrinkling his nose. I almost laughed. Kayden looked so cute, when irritated and slightly mad. I wished, at that moment, I had a camera so I could take a picture. He didn’t look angry, per se, just confused and curious. What an adorable sight to see.

Picking up my hands, I brought them to Kayden’s cheeks and squeezed, grinning widely. “You are so adorable! You’re like a little puppy,” I cooed, jiggling Kayden’s face back and forth.

“Stop it, Blackheart!” Kayden exclaimed, exasperated as he tried to pry my fingers off of him. “My cheeks hurt!” Laughing, I stopped.

“You have really pretty eyes,” I told him randomly, staring into them, though not in a romantic way but a judgmental one. I brought my face closed to his, contemplating on whether or not I should kiss him. I wanted to, I knew that, but was it the right thing to do?

Kayden smirked. “If you want to kiss me again, Blackheart, just do it,” he whispered, taking his masculine hand and cupping my chin.

And so I did.

I kissed him until it got to the point where it was practically impossible for me to. It was as though I lived off of his kisses, his touch. That was how I formerly felt whenever I was with Mike. Whenever I had hugged him or kissed him or touched him. I had been addicted. But with Kayden? It was different.

He hypnotized me, captivated me, and no doubt caused me to turn into someone who was nowhere near similar to the old Elyse. I was the new Elyse Blackheart, no longer the good girl—or at least not a total one. I had an edge to me now, and I liked it. And I had Kayden to think for that.

Maybe that was why I liked Kayden Maxwell, though, because he had changed me and in a good way. I was glad to have met him, because if I hadn’t, I would still be that shy, lonely, not-able-to-talk-for-herself girl that everyone at my school grew up with and treated like I was someone to push around. But Kayden, with his “bad” boy personality and I-don’t-give-a-crap attitude, had done something about that—he had changed me.

And surprisingly, I had changed him.

We were different, that was for sure, but weren’t exactly polar opposites.

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