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~not edited

Chapter 23

“I am so sorry,” I whispered, still not looking at Mike, allowing the tears to remain dripping down my face.

I didn’t regret confessing to them, not even to Mike, and I knew I wouldn’t regret breaking up with him either—whenever that time would come, which I knew would be soon. I didn’t deserve him at all—not his love, nor his friendship. I had done multiple things that I wasn’t proud of, such as the actions I had made in the past that betrayed Mike and I’s relationship, but none of them were anywhere close to being mistakes. If I hadn’t done those things, then I would most likely be unhappy, possibly, even, lost in the world. I was glad I had said what I had to say, but at the same time I was depressed. I never wanted to hurt Mike. Not ever. But I did anyway.

Mike’s face was as pale as a ghost’s, tears stinging his eyes, and he was ticking slightly. I knew he was angry; it was visible on his face. I wished I could have done this a different way, one that wouldn’t have caused sadness or anger. Though that sadly wasn’t the case, and explaining, breaking up with him that would be worse.

I didn’t let anyone talk, and initiated the story by explaining to everyone how Kayden and I had both changed. “Kayden and I . . . we’re different, total opposites. He’s the supposed “bad” boy and I’m the apparent “good” girl. But, even so, the two of us had changed over time, in the process of getting to know each other. I had rubbed off on him, and he had rubbed off on me. We’re different still, yes, but isn’t that okay? We balance one another out. We make up for the thing that the other is missing. It’s as though . . . we’re meant for one another.” I breathed in. “While dating you, Mike, I was in confusion. I remember you accusing me of liking Kayden, but I just . . . couldn’t believe that. I have loved you forever. Forever. And I just didn’t want that to be true, I didn’t want to admit it. But I liked him, I knew I did. And then . . . something happened, something that I should regret but don’t.” I rotated my body, trying to look Mike in the eyes, trying to get him to know how sorry I was for hurting him, for hurting his heart. “I cheated. I cheated on you with Kayden Maxwell, and, if I were to be truthful—“I sucked in a breath, smiling softly”—t was the best thing I have ever done. But it was also the worst. I kissed him when I was supposed to be with you. It was at the dance. When you were on the floor, talking and laughing with Leila, I was in the janitor’s closet making out with the Kayden Maxwell. But I don’t regret that either, not one bit.” I stopped talking, watching everyone’s reaction. The room was mute, and everyone was masking their emotions—even my parents and siblings. No doubt they were all angry with me, disappointed, but I didn’t care. I knew what I had to do. I knew I had to tell. Because, if I didn’t, I knew I would have felt even guiltier.

Mike shook his head, flabbergasted. “Wow,” was all he said, even after everything I had just told him, and then he left. He left me. He left everything we had. It was over between us. I didn’t even have to say the words, and he didn’t either. And surprisingly, I didn’t even feel . . . heartbroken. In fact, I kind of felt happy—as if this was a new start.

And maybe it was.                 

I turned to my friends, gulping, waiting for their reply. But they didn’t. Like Mike, they just left. And then I rotated towards my family, and sure enough there was disappointment and anger etched on all of their faces.

“Do you know what you’ve just done?” my mother asked, with her eyes wide and her lips pursed. She was fuming. “I can’t believe this—I can’t believe you.” She shook her head; eyes turned up to the ceiling as she rolled them, and then walked away, my father falling swiftly behind.

Jared just stared at me, dumbfounded. “Wow, just wow. I never thought I’d see the day when little Miss Perfect did something wrong—no, horrible. I thought you were better than this.” And then, like everyone else, Jared and Crystal scurried away.

I stood there, tears rolling down my cheeks, again, but with no sound coming from my mouth. I had put this on myself. And I would take full responsibility.

Now . . . for the last thing I had to do.

My fist connected with the glass of the door and a sharp sound was transmitted. Seconds later, the door flung open and there stood a tearful, yet still beautiful, Miss Maxwell. She smiled at me, her icy eyes still watering.

“Hi, dear,” she croaked out, wiping the miniscule raindrops from her rosy cheeks. “How are you?”

I studied Miss Maxwell. “I’m fine. Are you okay?” I asked with concern, taking a few steps forwards, as if to prepare in comforting. “What happened?”

Miss Maxwell brushed what I had said away, and replied with, “Nothing, dear, nothing. Hold on, just for a second.” And then she disappeared.

My eyes wondered over the pictures hanging on the walls, like I had done the first time I had entered this home. It was mostly of Kayden; others of the whole family, meaning Kayden, his mother, and his father.His father . . . he wasn’t in many pictures, just some. He looked older than Miss Maxwell, just slightly, with his frowning forehead and creased black eyes. Kayden resembled him. They looked so much alike, but, from what I had heard about Kayden’s father from Kayden, they weren’t anywhere close to being twins in personality wise.

Soon enough, Miss Maxwell was back and handing me an envelope. “Here,” she said softly. “Kayden told me to give this to you, please read it.”

I frowned in confusion. “Couldn’t he just give it to me himself?” I quickly added, “Not to be rude or anything, I just . . .”

“Don’t worry about it,” Miss Maxwell told me, smiling wider. “Please read it, it will tell you everything. Have a good day.”

I nodded solemnly, but as I was about to turn fully around she called me.


“Yes?” I said, looking at her.

Miss Maxwell grinned. “Thank you.”

“For what?” I asked, perplexed, cocking my head to the side.

“For doing what I had requested—helping Kayden. You changed him, you really did.”

I smiled back. “He helped and changed me, too.” And I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.

I stared at the seal of the envelope, debating if I should open it up or not. Why couldn’t Kayden have given this to me himself? I mean, it wasn’t like we were on speaking terms or anything, but if it was this important that he had to get Miss Maxwell to hand it to me—then couldn’t he have just given it to me? It didn’t make since, none of it did.

Frustrated, I tore up the envelope and unfolded the paper inside. It was a page and a half, of Kayden’s handwriting, and I instantly knew this—what he had written—was a letter. But what was it about? After heaving a sigh, I began to read.

Dear Elyse . . .


So . . . short, I know. I'm sorry, man. I feel bad, but the last chapter will be much better and maybe longe, though doubt it. Promise . . . I hope. And, just to remind you all, I will be having a sequal, so if some of you are upset with how this book ends, then you get another chance of an Elyse adventure. 

Thank you all for your lovely support, have a wonderful day!


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