Hey guys its riddle time with the hokage and his advisor

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"I have a riddle for you. What can kill a writer" i said to naruto and shikamaru.
"Oh i know is it a fire style jutsu" he said a bit excited.
"Um no shikamaru can you handle this" I say begging.
"Ok but it will be such a drag" he said with his hands in his pocket.

"Hey there guys kyashidi sama has writers block the reason why she cant up date. . .
(Naruto's next generation)"

"Thanks shikamaru. I usually would hate when authors send out a message instead of writing so i feel like a hypocrite. Any way i didn't want you guys to think i was holding out once again anyway. Gomen'nasai but arigato for reading

 Gomen'nasai but arigato for reading

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SO MUCH YOUTH (guy sensei thumbs up) Thanks again I'll write as soon as possible

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(guy sensei thumbs up)
Thanks again I'll write as soon as possible. Oh and special thanks to hokage sama and shikamaru sama for playing this game.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2016 ⏰

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