Dan's P.O.V.

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Dan's P.O.V.

"Whoa..." she said in that sexy breathless voice.

"Yeah..." that was all I could say.

"Take her now!!!!! Mark her!!!! Make her ours!!!!" my wolf screamed at me.

"I have no idea how to mark her...remind me to ask Phil about that later,"I told him.

"Well here we are ladies and boys!" Finn yelled breaking the awkward silence.

"Would you guys mind helping me find my way to my room and helping me unpack?" Samantha asked us.

"We will on one condition," Jack said, "tell us what that charm around your neck is?"

"It is my pack crest, my father left it for my mother to give to me before I left," She replied.

"What happened to your father?" Finn asked.

I looked at Samantha and saw that she was near tears and I wanted to kill Finn and Jack right then.

"He uhm..."She said, her voice breaking, "He was killed in an invasion by a rival pack and a group of rogues, they wanted to take over out territory...he was killed...I had to watch him be killed..."

"Oh Sam," Jack said.

"But at least I got to kill the bastard who killed my father...I loved seeing the fear in his eyes...the fear of a fifteen year old girl, the fear of losing his life," she said both in tears and chuckling.

"Come here Sammy," Finn said pulling her into a hug. Why hadn't I thought of that?!

"Kill him!!" my wolf roared, but this time all I did was let out a low threatening growl.

"Sorry dude," he mind-linked to me, "you weren't going to hug he and that is what she needed, she needed someone to hold her."

"Hey Sammy why don't you stay here with Dan while Jack and I go to get your schedule and room number?" Finn said, it was more of an instruction than a question.

"Okay," she sniffled as she shuffled over and wrapped her arms around me.

"It's gonna be okay Janey," I whispered to her.

"Oh God, I look like a mess! I'll be right back, I'm gonna go get cleaned up," she said as she scurried off.

"Hey Dan," I heard a girl call from behind me, I turned around to find my ex-girlfriend walking up to me.

"Hi Sarah," I said. After I said that she walked up and planted a huge sloppy kiss on my lips.

"No!" my wolf growled, "our lips aren't for her!"

"Sar-" I tried to say only to wind up with her tongue in my mouth.

"Dan..." I heard that beautiful voice whisper quietly.

"Janey, help me, this girl won't get the hell off of me," I mind linked to her.

"BITCH YOU BETTER GET THE HELL OFF OF HIM OR YOU'RE GONNA REGRET IT!!" I heard her yell as she walked up to us.

"And who are you slut?" Sarah snapped back.

"A friend of Dan's, now back the fuck up," Samantha snapped getting closer to Sarah.

"I'll do what I want bitch, Dan is my boyfriend," Sarah replied wrapping her arm around him possesively.

"Okay what?!" I yelled stepping away from her, "we have been broken up for weeks."

"Oh Danny baby I know you were only joking," she said kissing me again. Next thing I know Samantha is launching herself on top on Sarah and punching her in the face.

"Janey don't kill her!" I yelled.

"Bitch stay the fuck away from him, if I even catch you looking at him we are gonna have some problems, he is mine," I think I hears Samantha whisper in Sarah's ear. Sarah ran away crying.

"Damn Sam," Jack said as the boys walked up, "You fucked her up, I don't normally cuss but there is no other way to describe it."

"Yeah Sammy, why so possessive?" Finn asked.

"You don't screw with my friends," she replied.

My Human Boy (A DanIsNotOnFire-Dan Howell fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now