Tears and Descisions

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Me and Rynn were sitting around at her place, thinking of ways to get our parents to let us go to Warped, we would never give up on the idea.

"If we got jobs we could pay for the trip and tickets and everything," she suggested.

"But we couldn't convince our parents to drive us," I countered, " Ugh, I wish we could drive"

At the time I was 15 and Rynn was only 14 because she had an autumn birthday.

"What if we took a bus?" she asked

"And do what, sneak out? Our parents still wouldn't let us go" I was getting annoyed, not at Rynn just in general but I was taking it out on her anyway.

"Well why can't we sneak out?" she said.

"Rynn, we'd have to cross a border and stuff, and do you think our parents wouldn't notice?" She was really getting on my nerves, "Sometimes you are so stupid"

"At least I'm not scared of everything, why can't you just take a chance?" she argued.

I resented that "My parents would KILL me!" I yelled at her.

"You are so boring Cali!"

"Well maybe I don't want to spend my last month here grounded!" oops.

We both stopped for a second, she looked confused and then scared.

Oh shit. I told her didn't I.

"What do you mean 'last month'?" she asked me.

So I told her. I told her at the end of summer I was moving 3 provinces away, more than a days drive.

Tears formed in her eyes. She stood up and walked over to her calendar and stared at it.

"We only have six weeks together?" she asked.

"Ya" I replied.

She sat down and stared at the wall.

I looked at her, " and we're going to run away to The Warped Tour"

Firsts, Lasts and The Warped TourWhere stories live. Discover now