Facebook Stalking

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  I looked at the computer screen right in front of me.

 Then I thought about what I was doing once again.

 "Why am I doing this dude?" I whined to my brother.

 My Bro-Man just shrugged and ignored me. He's a great manager. (Note the sarcasm.)

 I typed in Sophie Peterson. And then I erased it. I typed in Jake Smith. Of course, that was followed by me pressing the backspace button once more.

 After doing that some more, a sudden voice scared me. 

 "Get it over with!" screeched Bro-Man. "We have to go to an interview in about forty-five minutes. If you don't finish until then, I swear, I'll do something you'll regret for the rest of your life!"

 Well someone had an attitude. Was it his time of the month? He was acting really bipolar.

 Deciding to not waste any more time, I typed in Sophie Peterson and pressed Enter before I could stop myself.

 Suddenly, a pretty brunette girl's timeline showed up on the screen.

 I scanned her profile.

 She had a really.. big number of friends. It wasn't surprising, even when we had hung out together, she had been the social butterfly of the group while I was the quiet awkward one.

 Her timeline was filled with posts from a variety of friends and photos from various events. I looked throughout her pictures, until I found myself staring into familiar faces.

 OMG we're such a clique! A hot one at that, too. With Stacey Adams, Liz Monti, Sophie Peterson, Jake Smith, Jay Robinson, and Trey Robinson.

 There were over a hundred likes and comments. I had to admit, they were celebrities in their own rights.

 The four people in the photo that I knew had changed a lot. Sophie was now a gorgeous brunette that could rival Emily Rudd. Ellie had changed a lot, also. From her once bony skinny physique, she had gotten curves and a face that girls wanted to have. Her perfect golden hair shined in the group. Stacey, despite having bleached her hair blonde and having a visible spray tan, and filled out really good. She did cake makeup on, and wear extremely revealing clothes, but she still looked fine.

 I looked at the three guys huddled together in the right. All of them looked gorgeous in their own right. By looking at the comments, it seemed that other girls seemed to think so too. I looked for a beach sand hair color, and I found it almost instantly.

 My jaw dropped in shock.

 It was Jake. 

 What used to be the nerdy guy turned out to be a god-like being. He had the a great body, and had definitely worked out over the years. I wouldn't have recognized him without his eye-catching hair.

 'What happened to my friends?' I thought to myself.

 Surely some kind of deity blessed them with drop dead gorgeous looks.

 After stalking my friends on Facebook some more, the Bro-Man called for me to get out. I grabbed my jean jacket and headed straight out to my van.

 Fifteen minutes later, Alice and her team crowded around me like a flock of birds. After whispering and planning some five minutes, they agreed on something and drew on my face. After another ten minutes, they decided that I was fine to go.

 I looked in the mirror. I had changed, too. Over the years I had been physically shaped and molded into America's sweetheart. 

 But the thing was, I felt like I was fake. The perfect body, the blonde hair and blue eyes, the smile... That wasn't me.

 That was the last thought I had before I went into the stage for Ellen.



What?! Two chapters in one day you say? Haha.

Yes, both chapters are short. So maybe just count it as one chapter?

I feel poopy (a word my crazy bestie recommended me) and sleepy. And lazy. But whatever.

Okay, so I realize that some of you might have misunderstood things a little bit. Melody has not had plastic surgery. What I meant by being shaped and molded was her being on routine special diets, facials, beauty treatments, etc. 

Now, I must go to sleep. It's like 12:40ish in the night. My eyes hate me right now.

I will dedicate this to my bestie, 'cause I'm selfish like that. 

To the dedicated bestie: Write something! Hmmph.

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