Life is indeed complicated

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AN: Hello everyone! I know that it has been almost a year and all I can say is that I'm really sorry and I hope that this chapter will compensate for the lost time. I am really overwhelmed by the response my story has been getting. You guys are the best. I'll take this moment to thank all of you wonderful reviewers and followers who brought me happiness in this strenous year. I hope that the story has not yet lost its appeal and that you all will enjoy it. On with the chapter:

Three weeks. Yes, it had been three weeks since Kitty gave her the greatest shock of her life, three weeks since Mary decided to shock her furthermore. We could also say that James Simmons requesting a private audience with Mr. Bennet one fine day, and then coming out to announce his engagement with Mary was just not daily business.

Three weeks since Mr. Bingley decided to court Jane. And three weeks since she saw one Mr. Darcy.

She had long stopped herself from trying to not think about him. Shouldn't she be thinking of her sisters' upcoming nuptials, or as her mama says, shouldn't she at least consider her own future with Mr. Simmons? Yet, Lizzy couldn't stop, couldn't stop thinking about him, and couldn't stop thinking why she was thinking about him.

Now, as she sat under the big oak tree, she contemplated all that had happened. Just two days after Kitty's declaration, Mary was engaged to James Simmons. Apparently, they had been in love for a long time and were waiting for one of the sisters to get engaged. It had been a shock to everyone except Kitty, who had prior knowledge on this matter as she had accidentally eavesdropped on one of their conversations. And then, to top it all, Mr. Bingley sought permission to court Jane the very next day. The whole Pemberly party had arrived on hearing the news of Mary's engagement and Mr. Bingley had wasted no time in seeking her father out. And that had been the day Lizzy's headache had decided to appear, indisposing her, and making her unfit to make an appearance downstairs. Talk about twisted fate.

That night, an ecstatic Jane had entered her room to give her a detailed view of all that had occurred. Lizzy remembered that night well. A bit too well.



"Oh, Lizzy! I believe I am the happiest person alive! You wouldn't believe what happened today!" Jane said, eyes dancing with uncontrolled excitement.

"What happened, Jane? Did your Mr. Bingley propose to you?" Lizzy said jokingly.

To her amusement, Jane blushed, but did not deny.

"No, Lizzy. But we are now courting. No, I am not lying. It is true!" she added, as Lizzy's eyes showed pure disbelief.

Lizzy shook her head, still in the shock of the news.

"It seems that my sisters have taken it upon themselves to give me a new surprise every day. Are Lydia and I to be the only ones left here?"

"Well, I am not engaged yet. And Kitty and Mary aren't going anywhere until late October. So Lizzy, I believe that you will have to bear with us for quite a long time than you think. And then, who knows, you could also be leaving in just a few months! "

"What do you mean by that, Jane? Are you referring to Mr. Simmons? Haven't I already told you about my feelings on that matter? I hardly know what I'd do if he were to propose!"

"Oh, so is he the only gentleman whom you could think of?"Seeing Lizzy's confused expression, she continued, "Lizzy, I may be ignorant of many things as you say, but I definitely have eyes. Do you think that your little display with William that day went unnoticed? You were positively blushing, dear sister! Do you have an explanation for that?"Jane asked, her eyebrows raised.

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