Chapter 9

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To: Harry
Hey, meet me at Starbucks in half an hour

I hover over the send button debating whether to send the message or not. In the end I close my eyes and press send, my heart races and my palms go all sweaty. That's not good.

From: Harry
Sure, I'll be there.

I smile at the message, he still accept even though I treated him like nothing yesterday. If that was me I wouldn't have even replied, I guess that shows how open minded Harry is... that he's willing to trust me after how I've treated him, which was like shit.

It's 10:10am now, I quickly put decent clothes on and brush my hair and leave the house. Luckily no one's there so I didn't have anyone questioning where I was going and who I was going with.

When I get to Starbucks I take a seat on a table for two and wait. It gets to about quarter to 11 and that's when I realise that Harry isn't going to show up. I slowly put my coat back on and sigh. I've always got to screw things up. The door opens slowly by a familiar face and I smile up at him. Harry looks around the building and his eyes fall down on to me, his eyes are covered by his glasses frames. He looks good in them.

He takes a seat nervously but I smile at him "I'm sorry about yesterday. I can accept myself as this person. It's hard, I know that's no excuse to how I've been treating you but I will try to make it up to you if you'd let me" I look at him, his eyes are looking deeply into mine and I can't help but bite my lip at how he looked. His hair was pushed to one side, he was wearing black skinny jeans and a black and white striped jumper which hung loosely on his body.

He nods his head in response and I smile brightly at him reaching forward pulling him into a hug "thank you" I whisper into his ear. We stay like that for a few minutes until Harry coughs and wriggles uncomfortably out of my embrace "I'm sorry Harry"

*Harry's p.o.v*
Louis pulls me into a hug. My heart beat is now racing, I feel like this is a whole dream. Louis is hugging me. "Thank you" he whispers into my war causing his warm breath to linger on my skin. It starts to feel awkward after a while so I fake cough and try to pull myself away Louis let's me go smiling at me.
The only thought going through my brain was that Louis had just hugged me and I needed to tell Liam.
"Louis?" I ask him and he smiles at me answering with a 'yes'

"Yesterday you said you had wrote a song?" I question him "we never got chance to go through it"

"Oh, yeah. It's not finished yet. I just want it to be perfect like you" he smiles causing me to blush "do you want to order something?" He asks me "I'm buying"

"Are you sure, I can buy my own drink" I tell him

"I'm trying to be nice Haz, so accept that I'm buying you a drink no arguments. It's the least I could do after what I've put you through" Louis smiles standing up

"Thank you" I smile "could I have a latte please?" I ask him and he nods going up to the counter

I can't help but get my phone out and text Liam

To: Lili
Guess who I'm with... 😊 x

I take my eyes off my phone and look up to where Louis was his arse is facing me and I can't help but to stare. His arse is like a peach - plump and peachy... my phone vibrates in my hand

From: Lili
Your mum? Sister? Erm tell me H x

He thinks I'm with my mum or my sister? Really Liam...

To: Lili
Nope and nope. Louis freaking Tomlinson.... 😊

Not even a second later I get a reply

From: Lili
Why are you with him! He's not hurting you is he Harry? Tell me where you are I'll come and help you x

To: Lili
I'm fine! We're at Starbucks just having a drink. He's hugged me Liam! He's being nice to me x

Louis returns to the table with to cups one with my name and one with his on "Thought I'd get take out so we could walk and talk" he smiles handing me my coffee

"Thank you Louis" I smile taking a sip of my coffee

As we walk towards the door he walks ahead and opens the door for me

"What a gentalman" I laugh as he bows like he'd just finished a drama performance

"Come with me" he tells me grabbing my hand in his. I feel a spark going through my body as my hand is in his. We walk towards the park, where we sit on a bench together "I didn't think you would show" he tells me

"Me either. I was about to not go but I kind of told myself to go to see what would happen" I tell him

"Are you glad that you came?" Louis asks me and I nod smiling

"Yeah" I smile blushing a little

"Do I see Harry blushing?" Louis asks stroking my face with his thumb I bite my lip looking up at him through my eyelashes. My eyes close and I smile. I feel a pair of lips on mine and my eyes open wide. LOUIS IS KISSING ME! I close my eyes and lean into the kiss. This is even better then the drunk kiss and so much better then the one in the pool. This is an actual kiss. He pulls away and puts his forehead against mine "you don't know how hard it is to not do that to you Harry" Louis places a kiss on my lips and I smile. Am I dreaming?

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