chapter 3

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"Alright class! Simmer down! Take a seat" Mrs Ashford shouts over the top of the class. I take my seat next to Zayn, Niall and Luke.

"Alright Tommo?" Niall asks "heard about coach and Eleanor"

"Yeah wasn't into her anyway" I smile back at him

"Tomlinson quite now!" Mrs Ashford shouts over the top of me, Styles turns around to look at me and I just smile and wave at him.

"okay class today i'm going to set you paired work, which will be a months work with a person I choose you to work with" Mrs Ashford smiles "okay here are the pairs I've put together, Ross your with Jake, Craig your pairing up with Luke, James your with Zayn" she pauses, come on I want to work with Niall. "Louis your with" I'm with? I'm with? "Harry" Mrs Ashford finishes her sentence. No this can't happen! "Niall your with Liam" she says I turn to Niall and he's smiling like an idiot. What made him smile like that?

"Niall what are you smiling at?" I ask puzzled at how he can be this happy all the time.

"aren't I aloud to smile now? " He replies with his thick Irish accent.

"Okay, so now you know your pairs it will be in your own time to write and compose a song to be sung in here a month on Friday, so get into your pairs and start working!" Mrs shouts enthusiastically

"good luck bro" Luke smiles to me

"I'm going to need it" I shout back not caring who heard.

I walk over to where Harry was and smile at him "so.." I look at him "S-so we're p-partner's? He says looking at my eyes his eye's are a nice green they look.. Snap out of it Louis!

"yep we're partner's" I say popping the 'p' in a very monotone voice as I can't be bothered with this not today not any day.

"w-what music are y-you into? i'm into a-anything" He smiles

"Sure you are gay boi" I laugh

about ten minutes before the lesson ends we get back to our own seats. Harry's alright I guess but I can't let my reparation get knocked by that nerd. it's lunch next, time to give that nerd a punch or two!

*Harry's P.O.V*

Okay that was different, Louis wasn't as mean as usual. Maybe just maybe today he won't hurt me. Or I could hope. Shit. He's walking straight for me. Next thing I know I'm pinned up against the lockers "Bet your loving this Styles" He whispers in my ear. I try to kick him but he put his hand around my neak making it harder for me to breathe.

"C-come on Louis, let me g-go" I struggle to form the words.

"You would love that wouldn't you Styles, heres for what you missed out on this morning" He smiles as he brings his hand up and slaps my face leaving a sting "Oh, my bad my hand slipped, Oops!" he kissed his hand and pressed it to my cheek. This boy has got to be bipolar, next thing I see is him running away. Wait is he, is he crying?

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