Chapter 24

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We're all sat gathered around the tv which has Fifa on at the moment, Niall and Becky are currently playing against each other... which Niall isn't happy about one bit as Becky is winning and he's accusing her of cheating- because 'a girl shouldn't know how to play Fifa'.

"Where's Harry?" Shannon asks me causing me to turn my attention to her. She's staring at me. I feel a tear roll down my face "Lou?"

"We're on a bre-ak" I stutter out

"What do you mean on a break? Why?" She asks sitting next to me pulling me in for a hug

"He met up with his ex. I think he still has feelings for him" I burry my face into her chest

"I'm sure you two will work everything out" she says rubbing my back

*Harry's p.o.v *

"I'm need to be honest with you... I have a boyfriend" I look into the mirror "well not really anymore because I screwed up. Why couldn't I have been honest in the first place?" I button up my plaid shirt then run my hand through my quiffed hair.

I open my bedroom door and run down the stairs to the front door "Hey!" I answer opening the door smiling my heart racing

"Hi" Brawley says smiling back at me "I brought pizza" he holds up a large box of take-a-way pizza

I let him into the house and into the living room. Mum and Gemma are out at a works night out or something like that. "So, why did you call me over?" He asks taking a seat on the sofa, I sit next to him.

"Just to hang out, it seems that long ago since I saw you" I tell him

"You only saw me a few days ago" he chuckles causing me to laugh

"I know that... but we didn't catch up properly" I tell him "Why are you down here anyway?" I ask him

"I started at the college in the town, it was the best one which was closet to home" he says "It's not because I've been stalking you or anything" he laughs

"What are you studying?" I ask him curiously

"God your full of questions aren't you" he says smiling placing his hand on my thigh and rubbing it making me feel nervous but it doesnt make me move it "I'm studying Art and Sport, mixture I know" he smiles

"Art? I'm glad that you did carry on with it. Your so talented with it" I tell him

"Now... my questions" he says moving slightly closer "What are you going to study next year at college when you leave school?" Brawley asks me

"Erm probably music and Sport" I smile

"Nice. Have you got a boyfriend?" He asks me turning to face me

"I did up until yesterday. We're on a break" I tell him half smiling

"What why... is it because of me? The kiss? Shit. I'm sorry Harry" Brawley says looking sorry he looks at me waiting for me to answer him

"He knew about us meeting each other and that's it" I tell him " I didn't tell him about the kiss because it's none of his business. He's just a little protective of me that's all..."

"I'm sorry Harry. You should of said... I feel really bad" Brawley says looking at his hands.

"It's okay. I'm sure things will work out. But if he can't deal with me having friends of the same sex then it's not worth it.." I tell him "we went through so much then he just let's me go just because I met up with you"

Brawley puts his arm around me to comfort me his thumb rubs my hand. "You now I'm always here to talk, I don't know anything about him and I can't go blabbing to him either"

"Thank you" I turn my head to him smiling. His eyes lock with mine and I feel myself slowly moving closer towards him. Our lips attach and slowly move against each others. He pulls away from me

"Are you sure?" He asks me and I nod

"I've got nothing to loose" I tell him smiling "I'm sure" I press my lips back onto his. His hands reach around my body and then rest on my back one wondering off to play with my hair "you always did have a thing for hair" I say pulling away from him he yanks my hair down so that our lips are pressed against each others again. He pushes me back so that I am lying on the sofa and he's now lying on top of me.

"Harry!" I hear a voice shout from the door way of the living room which startles the both of us "Harry! What the hell are you doing!" Gemma shouts pulling me away from Brawley. "He's not your boyfriend! Where's Louis!"

"We br-oke up" I stutter sitting up on the sofa

"No wonder when you jump in to the next person that takes an interest. I mean who the hell are you?" She asks Brawley looking at him but then it clicks in her mind "your Harry's ex aren't you" she says looking confused. Brawley looks at Gemma and nods.

"You broke his heart, he was crying non-stop and it was your fault. I had to pick up the pieces and put them back together again and here you are again. I'm guessing this is why you and Louis broke up... he was good for him unlike you" Gemma says getting angry "Harry why?" She asks me

"We're not together. We met up as Brawley was in town, we went out for a meal. I didn't tell Louis because he would be protective over me. But we met up to have a catch up. At the end of the night he kissed me, and I kissed him back. But he only did that because I never mentioned that I had a boyfriend. Me and Louis split up because of it... it was a stupid move not mentioning that I was with Louis I know" I say my eyes starting to well up.

I feel Brawley's arm going around me rubbing my back "It's okay" he whispers

"It's bloody not okay! Just look at him!" Gemma shouts grabbing Brawley by his jacket pulling him off the sofa and then she pushes him to the front door

"Gemma no!" I shout at her "He's here it was my decision, let him go!" But she was having none of it. She threw him out of the house and slammed the door shut

"You think you made a good 'decision' well when you look back on it tomorrow you'll thank me for walking in on you two" She says walking into the living room. I run upstairs in floods of tears. Why does everyone think they know what's best for me?

I flop down on to my bed, and stay like that for about 10 minutes. I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket

From: Brawley
Maybe it's best if we don't see each other anymore x

I feel my whole world fall down before me, this can't happen.

To: Brawley
Don't listen to her. She thinks she knows everything, but I just want to be with you right now. Meet me at the park? In about a half an hour x

I don't hear anything after that.

I put my phone back in my back pocket and walk down the stairs opening the front door "where are you going?" Gemma asks

"Out" I say slamming the door behind me. I start walking to the coffee shop. When I get to the coffee shop I order two coffee's to go. I walk to the park and sit on a bench, waiting for Brawley. I know that he hasn't messaged back but I'm just hoping that he will show.

After 5 minutes I see a figure walking towards the bench. "I'm so sorry Harry" He says sitting next to me

"Don't be sorry, she just over reacted" I tell Brawley "coffee?" I pass him a cup

"Thanks" he smiles "but I guess she is right, I'm not the one for you... I should probably move or something I don't want to cause trouble. You deserve someone better than me, I'm not worth it Harry" he says starting to well up

"I don't want better" I state "I want you, even if it means trouble, even if you are no good for me. I want you" I tell him. I lean closer towards him his arms wrapping around me, I pull his face closer to mine our eyes lock with each others. I lean closer attaching our lips together I feel Brawley tug on my hair causing me to moan making my mouth open allowing him access. I pull away smiling making him pout as he wanted to continue.

"So what is this? What are we?" He asks me

"I really don't know" I laugh causing him to laugh with me

"We don't have to be anything just yet if your not ready" he says putting his arm around me so that his hand is rubbing my hip. I smile up at him kissing his cheek.

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