Chapter 26

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***Louis' p.o.v***

My heart is in my mouth Michael isn't answering me when I shout after him, he's running around the school I can hear him crying. I finally catch up with him "where is she?" I shout at him his face is stained with tears he looks at me

"Go back to class!" He shouts getting angry he stops at the girls toilets and opens the door I follow after him I can hear Shannon crying in a toilet cubical "Louis please, just go" Micheal says closing his eyes

"Micheal?" Shannon says sobbing "I-I need to go to h-hospital" he looks at me "But I w-want Louis to come a-as well p-please"

Micheal sighs "open the door for me love?" He says his eyes full of tears

The door opens slowly, she's been crying for a while looking at her, she looks in so much pain, she's holding her stomach "I can't loose her" She says looking at Micheal he runs over to her and hugs her helping her up

"We're not going to loose our baby" He says lookinh at me to help him with her I run over to help her up we walk out of the bathrooms

"Shall I call an ambulance?" I ask him but he shakes his head

"Well get there quicker by driving" he says "Just tell reception that I'm taking her to the hospital" he says snapping but I know he doesn't mean it, it's just because of the stress he is going through. I run towards reception and tell them what has happened- but leaving out the pregnant part - by Shannon collapsing in the toilets and that Micheal is taking her to the hospital as he is a family friend.

Micheal gets to reception and walks out with Shannon and I follow closely behind them. We get to Michael's car I sit in the back with Shan. "I know I've lost her" She says sobbing into my t-shirt

"Don't say that. I'm sure she's just keeping you on your toes telling you that she is still there" I tell her playing with her hair

"It will all be okay baby, we will soon be there" Micheal says putting his foot down to go faster

It doesn't take too much longer and we are at the hospital. Michael parks the car and I help Shannon get out, Micheal comes around to her get out aswell. The hospital is full of people, I've always hated hospitals, the thought of death, operations...

"I need to see a doctor, my girlfriend is pregnant and collapsed and she's in pain" Michael says fear in his voice as he tells the receptionist she looks at him

"Okay, the doctor shall see you in a minute please take a seat" she says I can see the anger in Michael's eyes

"We don't have a minute! Our baby could be dying!" He says angrily "we need to see a doctor now!"

"She will see you in a minute. Now sir please take a seat" the receptionist says sternly

"I've just said I don't have a minute!" He says bursting out in tears, it's weird seeing a teacher cry, you just assume that they don't have feelings.

I pull him away and engulf him in a hug "It's going to be okay, you hear me, you two are strong and your baby is strong I know they are"

"The ultrasound technician is ready for you now, just take the next right and it's though that door. I'm sorry for your wait" she says

We follow her instructions as to where to go. What if she does loose the baby? I couldn't imagine what that would be like for her.

"Hi, could you lye down on the bed for me please" the ultrasound technician says smiling "is this a general check up?" She asks

"She collapsed and was in pain, and has lost quite a bit of blood" Micheal says holding on to Shannon's hand

"You are her partner?" She asks him and he nods biting his lip. I can tell that he's worrying incase they relise that he is older than Shannon and that their relationship is actually illegal "and you are?" She asks me

"Her brother" I says lying just incase they say that she's only allowed family because of what has happened. Michael looks at me weirdly. The other reason is that they might see that I'm not in her year of school so that they don't get suspicious of their relationship.

"Okay, this might be a little cold" the woman says squinting some jell on to Shannon's stomach and moving the wand around. The screen shows a picture of inside of her uterus, where the baby should be. The woman moves the wand around in search of the baby.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket telling me that I've got a message but I don't want to look at it yet.

"I'm just going to get the doctor" the ultrasound technician says. I look at Shannon and see the fear in her face

"I-I should give you two some alone time" I tell them

"It's fine Lou, I really need you" Shan says with a tear rolling down her face

"You have Michael... give me a phone call later ok?" I say standing up and walking out of the room. I can't help but let all my emotions go when I close the door behind myself. She's lost the baby, me and Harry are over... what else could possibly happen?

I walk towards the entrance of the hospital and see that I've got a message from Harry.

From: Harry

Hey, is everything ok? x

Delivered: 10:45am

I bit my lip... no everything isn't alright. My best friend has possibly lost her first child and I've lost my boyfriend to his ex. Tears stream down my face

To: Harry

Not really. Shannon had collapsed in the toilets so me and Michael took her to hospital, they are having a ultra sound but they have just had to call a doctor in. I'm just hoping that she hasn't lost it... I've had to leave I'm not strong enough to hold it all together infront of her and I think they need a bit of privacy x

Sent: 11:01 am

I decide to start walking back home as it's not too far, my minds full of what if's and if not's at the moment I can't seem to think straight. My mind is all over the place. I can't think straight.

My phone buzzes again with another text from Harry

From: Harry

Oh no! Hopefully everything will be okay. It would break her if she lost the baby... send them my love. Hope your okay aswell x

My heart flutters when I read that message, a small smile creeps on my face. But then realisation hits me. He's only being friendly, he is with his ex now. He and I are over.

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