Oliver Wood x Reader

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I sat down beside the Gryffindor table, near my best friend, Oliver Wood. We've been friends since first year, so naturally, I kinda like him... I don't want to say anything because I'm scared it might ruin our friendship and I don't want that to happen.

"Morning Y/N" Oliver said.

"Morning Oli" I relied, using his nickname.

"How're you feeling? Your first quidditch match and all?" He asked. I had recently tried out for a chaser on the Gryffindor team and I made it. I was super excited for my first match... but I wanted to keep my cool.

"Fine... just um... kinda nervous and majourly excited..." So much for keeping my cool...

"It'll be alright Y/N" Oliver said reassuringly.

~Time skip to the game~

I flied up, my quaffle under my hand. I prepared to throw it into one of the Slytherin goalpost but as I swung my arms forward, I felt a heavy force hit my head. The quaffle dropped from my hand and I fell head first down to the ground. Just before I hit the ground, I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me, preventing my fall. I put a hand to my head and I could feel my hands get soaked with something I could only assume to be blood.

Right before I blacked out, I saw the concerned face of Oliver Wood.

~Time skip(about a few weeks)~

I groaned and opened my eyes, the light blinding me. I immediately closed them again. "The lights irritating her eyes. Turn it off."

I heard Madame Pomfrey say. Then, I slowly opened them again and felt slightly better since the lights were duller. I looked at my bedside table and saw lots of sweets and flowers and Get Well Soon cards. I then looked at the chair and saw my favorite person sitting there, Oliver Wood.

"Hey" He croaked out, smiling. I felt a warm hand hold mine and smiled slightly as I realized it was Oliver's.

"Hi" I mumbled out, looking at his marvelous brown eyes.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Like my head is chopped of my body" I muttered back. He chuckled and I smiled slightly

"Did we win?" I asked, suddenly feeling a bit more awake.

"It was announced by Dumbledore himself that the game was tied." I grinned and nodded


He slowly leaned down, and I knew what was going to happen. I slowly pushed myself up and kissed him and he kissed back. It lasted for a few minutes and in the end, I ended up lying on top of him and he had his arms wrapped around me. I had a hand in his hair and one wrapped around his neck.

"MR. WOOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! THIS GIRL NEEDS REST! OUT! OUT!" I heard Madame Ponfrey yell as I pulled away. I blushed furiously and he stood up slowly.

"Umm... bye... I'll talk to you later Y/N" He said. Then he walked out. I smiled slightly and went back to sleep, dreaming about my future with Wood.


Hi Guys! I hope you like this update :) I will try to update more recently but I need requests... So don't be shy or anything and comment a character (yes I do smut) :)

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