(Young) Remus x Reader

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Your P.O.V 

I climbed onto the train with my best friend Lily and The Marauders. I smiled as Remus, my boyfriend, took my hand and squeezed it slightly. We were going back home. I'm Y/N Black, sister of Sirius, so mum was really angry when I got into Gryffindor along with Sirius. 

I share my room with Sirius... we have a sense of comfort knowing we're not the only ones getting scolded and we rely on each other a lot.  I got together with Remus a month ago and I'm terrified of either Regulus, or either of my parents finding out. If they do... let's just say I really don't want them to. 

I followed my friends into a compartment and sat down next to Remus and the window. I leaned my head on Remus' shoulder, entwining our hands together.I closed my eyes and started to remember how we got together.

I walked into the hospital wing, limping because I had twisted my ankle as I was walking  down the stairs to potions and Slughorn sent me here. I sat down, waiting for Madame Pomfrey to come back. I looked around and noticed a familiar face.

I limped over to Remus and sat next to his stomach. He was asleep. I smiled but frowned slightly as I saw all his new scars. I knew about his condition... or as my brother and his friends call it, his "Furry Little Problem." I still can't help but fall for him.  I love him. I finally accepted it. 

His eyes fluttered open and he smiled. "Hey Y/N"

"O- oh hey Remus, how are you?" I asked him.

"Healing up just fine" He grinned, then frowned slightly .

"What are you doing here?" I bit my lip

"I kinda twisted my ankle..." I said, smiling sheepishly. He shook his head grinning 

"Always so clumsy" He muttered .

"Always was always will be." Just then, Madame Pomfrey came in and inspected my ankle. She fixed it and told me I'm free to go. I nodded but just as I was leaving, Remus called out to me .

"Hey Y/N?" I turned to him .

"Hmm?" "Go to Hogsmade with me?" He asked, grinning hopefully. I smiled and blushed, walking over to him.

"Of course" I told him, leaning down and kissing him gently

I pecked his cheek and he smiled. "I love you Remus" I whispered quietly so only he could hear me.

"I love you too Y/N" Was the last thing I heard before falling asleep. 


(The italic part is the memory.) 

I hope you enjoyed this sweet and cute oneshot.... I'm thinking about making this a two shot. Thoughts?

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